Connection Help

fantalio said:
I received my new WII today and it goes online. But when I try to copy my saved games from my SD card to my new WII it blocks me. So I get to go through a new annoyance with this. It seems that you cannot transfer saved games from one WII to

In fact u cant do that..u cant transfer saved games from one wii to another...wii has a register of the saved game.
it sux...the only at advantage is that nintendo keeps a register of all saved games, and if u delete ur saved game from memory u can download it from nintendo. thats what i read in some web site...:idea: :mad5: it works pretty much like the vc games...u can download them and delete them from memory but once u donwload them once u can download the same games over and over again.:smilewinkgrin: :crazy: :lol:
urban_assualt said:
im getting error code 51330
i have a netgear connection
my wii is getting a mac number and an ip
the signal is very strong

please help

i had the same error...had to disable mac filtering, add the wii address to the allowed macs and then eneble mac filtering again:p... and make sure wep key is correct
urban_assualt said:
im getting error code 51330
i have a netgear connection
my wii is getting a mac number and an ip
the signal is very strong

please help

i'm having the same problem, i've pretty much done all the basic things that i've known about[changing channel from 6 to 1 or 11].

my router is a netgear MR814v2 >< if anyone can help please give me a PM or somthing
I keep getting error 32004. All my stuff is entered correctly and the test connection works fine, but when it goes to update that error comes up. Help me :(

I think it may have something to do with the MTU, cause I dunno what the router has it set to :x
error code 51330

hi i have a d-link dsl-g604t router
i have been trying for months to access the wifi network through my ds and now my wii and have been unable to do it.
i have correctly entered all the information into the wii and at first it recognises the network but when i test the connection it always comes up with error code 51330 or 51331 when tried manually.
i have changed the channel to one and tried to change my ip address to a number between 2 and 255 which at first worked and i was able to do my first update but after that the connection test failed again.
please can anyone help me out.

Help please

I have a Wanadoo (Orange) Rouer. Inventel Livebox, or something.. But I can't get my Wii online. I know it works, as I have my Nintendo DS online, and that itself took a long time to do as well. But I am getting Error Code: 51330 and I don't know how to do this. Could someone help please?
I was doing fine- half way through updating when my usb connector stopped? Odd. Anyway reset pc, got it working. Went to test connection and have error code 52140. "unable to connect to the internet" which is odd because the usb connector is on, internet is working and its the same as always for when i use my DS...any ideas?
I kept getting 51340. It was just my nintendo wifi usb adaptor. Apparently, it just needed some cooling down time... Took it off for about 6 mins and reconnected back with my wii with no problems.
I don't know what's happened but my USB dongle has just completely screwed up.
Neither my Wii nor DS will connect to it, yet I've not changed a thing and I've happily been using it all day. I've also noticed that on the USB Program on the PC my Wii's user name has just changed to some strange lines:

Does anyone know what the problem is, or some way I could try to solve it?

I've just installed the latest version of the software and my DS is connecting fine.
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Hi everyone..

I´ve bought my Wii yesterday on the release in Denmark..

I´m having some difficulties connecting to WiiConnect24.,

Everytime I´m testing my connection, I´m getting the following message:

Error Code: 110213

There is a problem with the WiiConnect24 Service. Please try again later.

I´ve tried and tried and tried again and again and again.. But it will not work. :frown2:

I need some help, because I really would like to play some oldschool Mario soon.. :thumbsup:

It should be mentioned that the first time I´ve started my Wii, it connected perfect, and startet downloading the first update..

But after updating the first time, it will not connect?
any one getting cannot connect to server tonight? trying to get into the wii shop but saying cannot connect to server, was working fine earlier.
Ive been having issues (explained above) for 24 hrs. After many many attempts i updated successfully and now it is working perfectly- i originally thought i would have to send my wii off to ninty or something, but its fine now. Im afraid i cant help with your error codes, but trust me- it is worth the hassle, and im sure you'll get it eventually! Good luck people!
i get an error code:5420 and 5421 (from memory) saying that my wired connection isn't inserted properly. mainly because i don't have the adaptor. which is another thing i have a usb cable that can go from the modem to the Wii so shouldn't that work?

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