COD4 Thread

paintba||er said:
I didn't think about it before, but I have $35 worth of gift cards for BestBuy, so I'm going to pick it up in the morning.
Don't wait till morning go NOW?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
I worked at a best buy for 6 months, it's doable. Not easy, but you could do it. ;)

Side Note: I'm getting freaking pissed, I can't beat this damn level on Veteran.

Gregtheman10 said:
is this game really that good? cause i cant stop playing halo 3 and i want to try something else. i just cant see this as being better than halo 3!!
To answer your question. Yes this game is really that good, I was like you, absorbed with Halo 3, picked up this game and yea haven't really played anything else since then.
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wow, ive been playing hours a day for the past four days, so much fun STILL! lol, idn what ill do once ive unlocked everything though cause thats half the fun of it, but im still at least a month away from doing that, probably more. im at level 38 i think, just unlocked the overkill perk and it's my favorite by far. assault rifle/shotgun combo ftw!
im playing cod4 right now. send a friend request if you want to play

gamertag: doosta45
SensesFail said:
wow, ive been playing hours a day for the past four days, so much fun STILL! lol, idn what ill do once ive unlocked everything though cause thats half the fun of it, but im still at least a month away from doing that, probably more. im at level 38 i think, just unlocked the overkill perk and it's my favorite by far. assault rifle/shotgun combo ftw!
First time through?

Yea... I'm on my 5th time through, and my 4th prestige, I'm sufficiently addicted to this game. When I head back to my apt here in the next few days I'll be playing more. Not a lot of free time at home with the fam.

(Ignore the link on the image, I was just showing the break down of symbols)
Originally Posted by paintba||er

LOL But its midnight.

You know what that means(hands paintba||er a crowbar)

good plan

Side Note: I'm getting freaking pissed, I can't beat this damn level on Veteran.

Yeah same Im stuck halfway through Veteran :( At the part with the huge firefight with the helicopter circling around you

wow, ive been playing hours a day for the past four days, so much fun STILL! lol, idn what ill do once ive unlocked everything though cause thats half the fun of it, but im still at least a month away from doing that, probably more. im at level 38 i think, just unlocked the overkill perk and it's my favorite by far. assault rifle/shotgun combo ftw!

Level 12 over here :crazy:
Yeah, I played this game at my friends house, and it is AMAZING. Seems to be better than Halo 3 online. Its a lot of fun.
blueovalboy7 said:
First time through?

Yea... I'm on my 5th time through, and my 4th prestige, I'm sufficiently addicted to this game. When I head back to my apt here in the next few days I'll be playing more. Not a lot of free time at home with the fam.

(Ignore the link on the image, I was just showing the break down of symbols)

wait..what? im confused now. lol
im not going to prestige, the icons mostly suck anyways and id rather have gold guns because thats more pixels than a little icon. i've also yet to come across anyone, prestige or not, who is better than me, so that just proves how little it means.
I finally got it, but it was a chore to do so, and killed my excitement for the game. First I went to Best Buy because thats where I had the most gift cards, but they didn't have it, so I went to FYE where I have a gift card, and they are giving CoD2 for $5 when you buy CoD4, but they were also out, so I went to Target where I have no gift cards, and they were out for the 360 and had one copy for the PS3. But I really wanted it for my 360 so I could play against my brother, (he just got a 360 for Xmas) so I had them hold the PS3 copy while I went to Walmart to see if they had it for the 360. Finally, they had a shitload of them. So I get it, take it to the counter, hand them the ad to price match, and the guy says that he has to call Target (where the ad is from) to see if they have it in stock, and if they don't he can't match it. They didn't have it, so now they want to charge me $60. (rather than $37) I ended up talking to the manager and he just went ahead and did the price match.

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