COD4 Thread

Well the thing was I was actually pretty decent at halo, I was a Commander grade 2, with some 450+ exp. but when I started playing COD 4 and got used to playing that game, I just can't do it anymore.
played halo3 for the first time in about two weeks today i think. i did horrible lol. then i went back to call of duty 4 and did decent.
to be good at halo all you need to do is learn the correct attack pattern.

run towards enemy, start shooting when youre close enough to hit them, when they see you start jumping up and down while shooting then when your right on top of them beat thier face in before they can hit you first. it sounds simple but it takes practice to get down. some days i can dominate everyone in the game and others i end up near last place.

with cod4 u just have to work on accuracy and wich cover can/cant stop a bullet.
Halo: Shoot then melee. Crazy jumping nonsense.

COD: Accuracy and strategy matter. Realistic.
blueovalboy7 said:
Halo: Shoot then melee. Crazy jumping nonsense.

COD: Accuracy and strategy matter. Realistic.
wouldnt quite call it realistic, u want realism get ghost recon.

but deffinately a strategic element with the perks

i just started sniping so i can get the experience points cause im running out of other challenges to complete, it took some practice but i gotta say once you can use the ghille suit effectively it is so much fun. add in a UAV jammer and chill on that hill in pipeline, or across from the hill in that building w/the dirty glass window and it's a blast. i usually end up towards the bottom of the list when i snipe, but i guess i cant expect to get as many kills as some one whos running around w/an M4, my kill-death ratio is always posotive though when im a sniper :)
Yea my summation was just a quick and to the point comparison. COD is more realistic than any other game I play.

I love to snipe, but that hill on pipeline can be bad as well, guys will flank you and run up behind you and knife you in the back, If I can I try to get up into the very top of the building that has roof access. My favorite level for sniping would have to be Bog when you're playing any scenario where there is an objective in the open container along the fence line. I usually do pretty well.

Do you play hardcore much? (I really like how they separated the HC Deathmatch from the HC Search and Destroy) I think my overall Kill/Death ratio is 1.22 at the moment, I think I have around 14,500 kills to 11,750 deaths. I was terrible when I started playing.
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The game is amazing. I'm addicted, especially to online. I was trying to go through and beat the campaign on Veteran first time through, but I'm having issues with the first level of Act 2, I get tore up. I need to figure out a better strategy.
don't buy COD4. The multiplayer is too addicting. You will lose your friends and family and even your dog will hate you for not paying attention to him/her anymore. I haven't slept in weeks either. Can't type must difuse the bomb.
don't buy COD4. The multiplayer is too addicting. You will lose your friends and family and even your dog will hate you for not paying attention to him/her anymore. I haven't slept in weeks either. Can't type must difuse the bomb.

QFT mygodimorgasminggfgjekasfdnathisgameisbreathtakinginsomanyways
D1nner said:
QFT mygodimorgasminggfgjekasfdnathisgameisbreathtakinginsomanyways
the spacebar is located on the bottom-center of your keyboard. lol looking forward to pwning u later.
I love this game! I beat the fist few levels on regular (because the game told me to do regular) but so far it isn't that hard at all. . .

I think I'm gonna beat the game at least twice before I go online. . . hopefully I don't get owned to bad.

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