COD4 Thread

The game is amazing, I think people should either post here or start a new thread about your rank, score, and how many times through prestige you've done. It is the only game I've played since I've bought it.
I played it on PS3 at my friend's house (don't get it for 360 till Xmas :( ) I can say from that it's amazing. The online is great, the story is amazing, and the graphics are crazy. The only downside to it is that there is no co-op, on or offline. That kinda pissed me off, especially considering the campaign isn't the longest in the world. But the multiplayer and quality of the campaign make up for it. I love Halo 3 but... I gotta say I'm liking this more. Can't wait to get my 360.
I actually like it more than Halo, I like some of the features of Halo better, like co-op in general, and that you can take guests online, but besides that I love COD4.
I think online gets less repetative than Halo 3..

I think I'm on level 14 online, haven't had a chance to play it in a while been busy playing the story mode on my other games but now I've completed them all apart from C+C I'll be going online more =] What about everyone else?
Well since it is the only game I play anymore, I'm a Level 55 on my 1st prestige. Love the game.
this game is so insane online! i love it. if any of you guys want to add me my tag is in my sig.

im so-so, usually 4th or 5th place in deathmatch, once or twice i won.

campaign isnt really interesting me, it's amazing and all but i cant put down the mulit-player lol.
The campaign is good, but I prefer online. I almost have 4 days worth of online play, can't stop playing it.
played this game for 7 hours today! lolz

my rank is now luitenent 2 or sumthing (the silver rectangle thingy similar to my halo rank, wich can be seen in my sig) or 29 i think? idn, sweet game still though.

my only complaint is the fact that EVERYTIME i play team deathmatch i get teamed up with NOOBS or people with high ranks that get six kills while i have about 15 and the leads on the other team have like 19 and 16, etc. so it's obviously not my fault if i can almost keep up with the best in the room. but i just cant get that damn challenge done! (win 5 team deathmatches) i only have 3/5 and i played team for like.. 3 hours at least.:mad2:
This is an amazing game and i def like it better than halo. Just raised enough money for the stupid wifi **** so i will start playing online shortly.
SensesFail said:
played this game for 7 hours today! lolz

my rank is now luitenent 2 or sumthing (the silver rectangle thingy similar to my halo rank, wich can be seen in my sig) or 29 i think? idn, sweet game still though.

my only complaint is the fact that EVERYTIME i play team deathmatch i get teamed up with NOOBS or people with high ranks that get six kills while i have about 15 and the leads on the other team have like 19 and 16, etc. so it's obviously not my fault if i can almost keep up with the best in the room. but i just cant get that damn challenge done! (win 5 team deathmatches) i only have 3/5 and i played team for like.. 3 hours at least.:mad2:
You should play Headquarters, I mean I've been playing this game for a while and I figured out if you want a lot of kills you should go into there, I average 30-40 kills a match, unless its a quick one, in which case I average in the 20s. It takes some getting used to, but Headquarters is, IMO, the best way to get kills and points. Hopefully this will help you out if you hadn't done that already. BTW my tag is same as it is here, so if you want to play anytime send me a request.

TitansATB said:
This is an amazing game and i def like it better than halo. Just raised enough money for the stupid wifi **** so i will start playing online shortly.
I know what you mean, those WiFi adapters are expensive, and as for comparing it to Halo, there really isn't much of one. I definitely say this game is better than Halo. I tried to go back and play Halo and I just couldn't do it, I was terrible, took me like 5 games to get a positive K/D spread.
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yeah, i hate switching from COD4 to Halo. i used to be the **** at halo but i havent played it in a long time cause everytime i would try i'd get teh controls mixed up and the tactics (forget to run and jump and stuff)
SensesFail said:
yeah, i hate switching from COD4 to Halo. i used to be the **** at halo but i havent played it in a long time cause everytime i would try i'd get teh controls mixed up and the tactics (forget to run and jump and stuff)
Yea the tactics are entirely different, and the controls are a bit different, I have my COD controls set up to tactical so B is melee like how it is in Halo. I would keep trying to run like I do in COD and yea, doing that = me dying. I am so much better at COD than I ever was at Halo, because real life strategy works and I'm fairly decent at that.
blueovalboy7 said:
Yea the tactics are entirely different, and the controls are a bit different, I have my COD controls set up to tactical so B is melee like how it is in Halo. I would keep trying to run like I do in COD and yea, doing that = me dying. I am so much better at COD than I ever was at Halo, because real life strategy works and I'm fairly decent at that.

I can totally relate. I suck at halo and would be lucky not to be in the negative ratio's. Then I picked up call of duty, the first few games i sucked but after that i would make it in the top 3 every time. Im just not good at halo (which contributes to me hating the game)

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