Chris Benoit Found Dead

I see a little too much sensitivity to assumptions.

First, a Fox station would be the first to speculate and make assumptions. So far, it seems extremely easy to make the assumption that Benoit killed his family. It should also be clear to see that if this was found as fact that EVERY newsstation would have picked up on it immediately and reported the newest development. So you can't take everything a single newsstation says as fact.

Also, in terms of whether or not he should be remembered, I believe he should be. You can't equate Benoit to Charles Manson, based only on committing murder. He should be remembered for who he was, and based on all that I've read up on, he was a respected and very respectable man. He was kind and there for his friends, wrestlers or not. So far, that's what I've gotten out of his story.

The only facts I've seen is that Benoit did not die from getting shot. It does appear that he may have committed suicide in some way, and may have killed his family beforehand. Still, until we know for sure, it's good to remember him for who he was, not what he MAY have done.
I see a little too much sensitivity to assumptions.

First, a Fox station would be the first to speculate and make assumptions. So far, it seems extremely easy to make the assumption that Benoit killed his family. It should also be clear to see that if this was found as fact that EVERY newsstation would have picked up on it immediately and reported the newest development. So you can't take everything a single newsstation says as fact.

Also, in terms of whether or not he should be remembered, I believe he should be. You can't equate Benoit to Charles Manson, based only on committing murder. He should be remembered for who he was, and based on all that I've read up on, he was a respected and very respectable man. He was kind and there for his friends, wrestlers or not. So far, that's what I've gotten out of his story.

The only facts I've seen is that Benoit did not die from getting shot. It does appear that he may have committed suicide in some way, and may have killed his family beforehand. Still, until we know for sure, it's good to remember him for who he was, not what he MAY have done.

The media are always like chinese whisperers (when a rumour is whispered, then passed on and eventually has a completely different outcome) when it comes to broadcasting. However, they all come out with the outcome of the truth, so we think. But, they're often reliable and tell us the gist of the story. As far as the 'innocent 'til proven guilty' thing goes, the media never seem to take this into consideration. I agree that we should never take assumptions, but that is what we base our lives around.

Everyone is remembered, you can't deny that they won't be remembered, even Hitler was remebered. Based on who he was, he seems to have had issues from the environment he was in. This is contradicting, if you did not know the person, you only have the media to go off of his personality, and from your views, they often seem to have got them wrong. He could have been a psychopath boiling up each day until he finally collapsed.

An autopsy nearly always states the cause of death, possibly drug overdose is the main reason I am thinking it. But there have been 'murder weapons', reportedly, I believe that was to kill the family though. Who knows, eh? It'll soon be revealed.

As for this:

The WWE need to take all the hype about Chris Benoir off their site.
I mean they have a pic of him looking pumped and mean with the caption "In loving memory of the Benoir Family".

That is what he was known for, he was known for wrestling. Basically, the WWE think that wrestling was his life and they should be the ultimate news source.

I think this is terribly disrespectful for the family, it is the same matter that people on the sex offenders list are not allowed to appear on television because it would offend victims.
It is still possible that Benoit was a victim rather than a killer. But until the facts are straightened out it would have been wise for the WWE to hold off on the special career retrospective. But what could they do I suppose?..
No gun was used - been confirmed... Bodies all found in different rooms.,0,4246396.story?coll=ny-weekinwheels-headlines

Large dogs prowl the grounds of his house so I don't think a stranger could have entered the home.. Tragic and strange.
I still can't believe any of this, I mean his last match was just last tuesday everything seemed to be fine with him. And I'm sorry but everything is pointing to benoit killing his family and himself, as much as I hate to say it.
I just don't get it all, everyone in different rooms, wife in living room, son in bedroom, and Chris in his weight room. I also don't get why Chris would ask people to come and check on his family then have two dogs on his front yard.
He did not attend Vengeance because of personal/famliy problems, maybe his wife cheated on him or something. Who knows? I just want this all to be cleared up soon.
this is shocking i could not believe it when i heard.
so what is the truth?:shocked:
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Yes it was the truth.

Also if Benoit took the life of both his wife and seven year old son I find that sickening. However I guess I'll have to wait and see as to what actually happened.
...Wouldn't the dogs have sensed something was wrong? Protecting his family seems kind of ironic now.
Syntax said:
Yes it was the truth.

Also if Benoit took the life of both his wife and seven year old son I find that sickening. However I guess I'll have to wait and see as to what actually happened.

i no he's dead,
but what i'm saying is what's the actual story if you know.:yesnod:
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The current story is that he killed his wife and son on Sunday and then took his own life on Monday.
well if he killed his wife and child and then committed suicide, i dont have much sympathy for him

but if they were all murdered, i have all the sympothy in the world
wow hes really dead. and his wife was another wrestling star, "woman". she managed sandman back in the early ECW days and then more in the WCW. But if he killed his own family, i hope we find out why he did it.
chach said:
wow he really is dead he was my favorite! ugh sucks man...

so many hardcore wrestlers really cared about him and they are all in tears..

and Vince MCwhatever isnt dead...

Wrestling is obviously very popular in the USA ,can i ask why you watch it ,do you believe they really hurt each other or that they are just putting on a show and the outcome of each bout is already decided before they enter the ring?
MaxPing said:
Wrestling is obviously very popular in the USA ,can i ask why you watch it ,do you believe they really hurt each other or that they are just putting on a show and the outcome of each bout is already decided before they enter the ring?

we know that. its fun to watch because its like seeing a fighting scene in a good action movie. its obviously staged but w/e its somewhat entertaining (and the divas are entertaining too).

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