Chris Benoit Found Dead

This just makes the McMahon's death stupid. Because he faked it and Benoit is really dead. I don't like wrestling now it's too much like a soap but he was a legend
Darkprinny said:
**** SAKE
DOnt need this kinda ****in news

damn it one of the only ones I had respect for (meh been a fan since his WCW years)

Right the firsat person I see before I wake up I will put in the cross face

I was a fan since those times too. Benoit was a wrestler to be respected. I agree too that wrestling has become too much drama.

A sharpshooter in remembrance.
Levesqueking is banned still...?

Double murder suicide? :shocked:

So who killed who?
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Mitch2025 said:
i cant seem to find it on any news site so it seems kinda like another publicity stunt like Mr. McMahn. when eddie guraro died, it was on every news site
What I was gonna say exactly... hmm.. I somewhat doubt it, if so, R.I.P. Never liked him as a wrestler anyway.

Edit: Though Wikis not a reliable source

On June 25, 2007, Benoit, his wife Nancy Daus, and their son Daniel were found dead in their Fayetteville, Georgia, home at around 2:30 PM EDT.[83] It was first reported to fans of WWE on their WWE Mobile Alerts Service and posted to their official website soon after. Exact details are not yet known, and an investigation is ongoing.[2] On their website, World Wrestling Entertainment released the following statement[84]:

“ World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently being investigated by local authorities.

Tonight’s Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family’s relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy.

WWE canceled the scheduled three hour long live RAW show on June 25, and replaced the broadcast version with a tribute to his life and career, featuring his past matches, segments from the Hard Knocks DVD and comments from wrestlers and announcers.[7]

Fayette County, Georgia police are investigating Benoit's house following the discovery of the bodies. Lieutenant Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department reported to ABC News that sheriffs entered his home on a "welfare check" after missing several appointments, leading to concerns.[85] Pope also stated the police are not searching for any suspects outside of the house, as the instruments of death were located at scene of the crime.[86]

The same day Detective Bo Turner of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department told television station WAGA-TV that the case was being treated as a murder-suicide, and the station reported that investigators believe that Benoit murdered his wife and son over the weekend and commited suicide sometime on Monday. [87]
This seems to extreme to be a hoax. If he murdered his son and wife then he's a sick bastard.
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Damn Shame.


Respect to them both.
There are a few wrestlers with deep emotional problems. Ultimate Warrior - Jake the Snake, Eddie Gurrera (more substance abuse than emotional). The nature of the business is to make a huge entertaining spectacle. And this so often parallels the life of the individuals involved.

Wrestling culture can heavily reinforce the idea that problems can be solved with violence. I wouldn't want to try debating with a wrestler, anger so often leads to violence with these people. Seen too many articles about wrestlers beating someone up or being involved in a fight.

Thats not to say that "everyone" in wrestling is messed up. But I believe that due to the nature of the entertainment that wrestling attracts a small number of individuals who are mentally unbalanced.

I wonder what is going to happen now? Are the WWE going to honour this guy as a wrestling saint? (Like Owen Hart - who I believe was a good man). If he killed his wife and kid then I don't know what to say? He always had an intense/disturbing look in his eyes in my opinion (don't believe me look at any old Benoit photo). Its just sad that these things happen I guess.
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Hm, so the media and the audience of wrestling it attracts makes them behave the way they do... Well, if that is the case, then I would have thought wrestling would have been banned a long time ago, it's just like bear fighting or something.

He could have potentially murdered his family. Have you not lost a bit of respect for that man knowing that? Sure, he may not have, but it's leaning towards that he did. However, I would think he's sick if he murdered his wife and son on the weekend then stuck around 'til Monday to kill himself, maybe he was trying to see if he could live with guilt, obviously not.
Frogger said:
Hm, so the media and the audience of wrestling it attracts makes them behave the way they do... Well, if that is the case, then I would have thought wrestling would have been banned a long time ago, it's just like bear fighting or something.

He could have potentially murdered his family. Have you not lost a bit of respect for that man knowing that? Sure, he may not have, but it's leaning towards that he did. However, I would think he's sick if he murdered his wife and son on the weekend then stuck around 'til Monday to kill himself, maybe he was trying to see if he could live with guilt, obviously not.
Pretty much what I was saying. Okay, he might have been seen as a legend to wrestling fans and whatnot, but if you murder your wife and kid, you don't deserve respect. The respect should of gone out the window. But then again, it is only an assumption. You never know, his wife could of been the killer of the 3..
Frogger said:
Hm, so the media and the audience of wrestling it attracts makes them behave the way they do... Well, if that is the case, then I would have thought wrestling would have been banned a long time ago, it's just like bear fighting or something.

He could have potentially murdered his family. Have you not lost a bit of respect for that man knowing that? Sure, he may not have, but it's leaning towards that he did. However, I would think he's sick if he murdered his wife and son on the weekend then stuck around 'til Monday to kill himself, maybe he was trying to see if he could live with guilt, obviously not.

No what I mean is that some of the "wrestlers" who become involved in the sport themselves suffer from form of mental/emotional problems...
Its not often that a normal well adjusted person gets themselves pumped on steroids to be that big - then parades in front of arena's full of screaming fans calling for blood, whilst pretending to beat on his colleagues.
Wrestling itself has had some pretty good people - but watch the documetaries, read the interviews/articles. There is a seedier side to Pro wrestling.
Imagine for a job you basically work out - get pumped. Get on stage and act like a jerk/tough guy every day. Travel the country away from your family. Thats gonna have an effect on even the most well-adjusted person. For a person with emotional/mental issues thats a recipe for disaster. There's plenty of substance abuse/spousal abuse stories in wrestling - they arent hard to find.

But there are plenty of good people involved in the sport too. People who get involved for different reasons. Wrestling itself isn't the problem. Its that maybe if it focused on the emotional side of things instead of always the physical. The one lesson that Wrestling will never teach us is that "violence in our modern society doesn't solve anything".

We don't know the full story to what happened to the Benoit family. But it looks like he has killed them then himself. Which is a terrible thing.
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Wiired said:
Pretty much what I was saying. Okay, he might have been seen as a legend to wrestling fans and whatnot, but if you murder your wife and kid, you don't deserve respect. The respect should of gone out the window. But then again, it is only an assumption. You never know, his wife could of been the killer of the 3..

Very Very good points. :yesnod:
Whats gg mean?

Also from the WWE site...

"WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday."

The WWE need to take all the hype about Chris Benoir off their site.
I mean they have a pic of him looking pumped and mean with the caption "In loving memory of the Benoir Family".

WTF!? If he killed them I'm sure thats a bit disrepectful to the family.

Imagine a poster of Charles Manson with the caption "In loving memory of all Charles's victims" - anyone see what I'm getting at here?

Also the WWE are going to run a special career retrospective show about a murderer?! (has this already aired? - I live in UK so don't know)


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