Chris Benoit Found Dead

Once I got told that Barry Chuckle died, one of the Chuckle Brothers, it spread around Liverpool schools pretty easily and easily leaked its way into MySpace. It was all a lie.

It mentions deaths in Wikipedia extremely quickly, and yes, it does state

On June 25, 2007 Benoit and his family were found dead in their home in Atlanta. It was first reported to fans of the WWE via WWE Mobile. No exact details are known about this death at this time. [2]

A few minutes after I had found out that when Anna Nicole Smith had died it was straight up there, and true.
wario2ooo said:
my he rest in peace and meets his friend eddie in heaven too
they are wrestling in heaven now

*does a cross with fingers and kisses toward heaven*
i hope he is wrestling eddie for the heaven title, great friends, great friends.
wow he really is dead he was my favorite! ugh sucks man...

so many hardcore wrestlers really cared about him and they are all in tears..

and Vince MCwhatever isnt dead...
vince came out today from the hoax he did, to prove that chris beniot is actually died.

not lying here
every match they are showing of him to night is awesome, old school wrestling like when it was half as fake to what wrestling is now.
I havent found anything on the BBc news page

Damn it
So sad. I was watching a special on Benoit tonight on tv, and Edge was crying while talking about it. In a lot of these wrestling specials I've found that wrestlers seem to be very connected to one another.
And then they were showing Benoit's greatest wrestling moments, and him winning the championship belt, and he was celebrating with Eddie Guerrero. Sad, considering they've both passed.
**** SAKE
DOnt need this kinda ****in news

damn it one of the only ones I had respect for (meh been a fan since his WCW years)

Right the firsat person I see before I wake up I will put in the cross face

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