Breaking the defense


Carpe Ludum
Dec 6, 2007
Hey, everybody!

I've been trying to play a "trick-only" team to train some trick shots (waffle, serve it in/up, teleports etc), as I usually just score with power shooters (Birdo). So, I switched Birdo for a Toad, and my team now is Daisy(Waluigi), Dry Bones, Toad and Boo.

Ok, problem is... most of the times I can't seem to break the opponent's defense. I usually see people turn around, go back, but that does not work with a good defense. I saw a couple of videos on youtube and they mostly pass like crazy in order to open spaces... even with Dry Bones! Well, almost all my passes get intercepted.

Well, any ideas, sugestions? :)

PS: I always forget to write down my MSC number to put on the sign! :(
the problem with your team is there's no threat of a power shooter, so your offense is easily read. You're very susceptible to someone swarming the ball. What I would do if you were sold on making a trick team is switching out Daisy for Diddy Kong. The extra passer makes it easier to find one of your characters on an island and doing some trick shot into the goal, while adding the threat of the hop pass from Diddy's deke.
Just4Fun said:
Hey, everybody!

I've been trying to play a "trick-only" team to train some trick shots (waffle, serve it in/up, teleports etc), as I usually just score with power shooters (Birdo). So, I switched Birdo for a Toad, and my team now is Daisy(Waluigi), Dry Bones, Toad and Boo.

Ok, problem is... most of the times I can't seem to break the opponent's defense. I usually see people turn around, go back, but that does not work with a good defense. I saw a couple of videos on youtube and they mostly pass like crazy in order to open spaces... even with Dry Bones! Well, almost all my passes get intercepted.

Well, any ideas, sugestions? :)

PS: I always forget to write down my MSC number to put on the sign! :(

Not to sound mean, but it seems like you need to work on Boo and Toad's charge passing.
Remember that Bones is NOT a guy you want passing balls to other players... he's a purely offensive player with several flaws. Although his slide tackles and hits are great for gaining control of the ball, if he's not able to score he should pass it safely to a playmaker in the backfield to set up your next offensive volley.
Your passes are being intercepted because, well, they're intercepetable! Remember that ground passes are faster, and you'll need to find a safe mix of ground and lob passes to mount a good offense.

Croswenthy said:
What I would do if you were sold on making a trick team is switching out Daisy for Diddy Kong.

Although Cros makes a good point regarding strong shooters, I couldn't disagree more here.
It's not that Diddy is a bad Captain, far from it, it's just that Daisy is just great! Daisy and Diddy, despite both being fast players, have totally different play styles as far as offense is concerned. I wouldn't give up on Daisy just yet.
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BigORhyme said:
It's not that Diddy is a bad Captain, far from it, it's just that Daisy is just great! Daisy and Diddy, despite both being fast players, have totally different play styles as far as offense is concerned. I wouldn't give up on Daisy just yet.

I used to use Daisy, she's an awesome captain but then I tried Diddy. Three words; oh my god! Diddy is clearly the best captain on the game!

Yet again, that's only my opinion. :)
BigORhyme said:
Not to sound mean, but it seems like you need to work on Boo and Toad's charge passing.
Remember that Bones is NOT a guy you want passing balls to other players... he's a purely offensive player with several flaws. Although his slide tackles and hits are great for gaining control of the ball, if he's not able to score he should pass it safely to a playmaker in the backfield to set up your next offensive volley.
Your passes are being intercepted because, well, they're intercepetable! Remember that ground passes are faster, and you'll need to find a safe mix of ground and lob passes to mount a good offense.

Although Cros makes a good point regarding strong shooters, I couldn't disagree more here.
It's not that Diddy is a bad Captain, far from it, it's just that Daisy is just great! Daisy and Diddy, despite both being fast players, have totally different play styles as far as offense is concerned. I wouldn't give up on Daisy just yet.

I used to use Daisy, and you're right, they do have entirely different play styles, But without a power shooter, it's really difficult to get any offense going with only 2 passers. Your plays are predictable and easily broken up. I was suggesting the use of Diddy Kong because the third passer makes it easier to find someone open on an island and thus allowing a trick play, which takes time and/or positioning.
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Hey all, thank you for the answers.

Anyway, as I said before, I usually use a power shooter (my regular team is with Birdo instead of Toad). When I use Daisy-Birdo-Boo-DB, more than 75% of goals are from Birdo. If I count the teleport goals and Birdo goals, then there's more than 90%... ;)

One thing I learned in the last days is that when using Birdo as the only shooter, the opponent soons realizes that he must defend her(him). When people do that, then I can get some room to perform some tricks also.

Anyway, I am still bad at avoiding tackles with boo and DB... so I usually count on some passing by Boo and some items to perform the tricks. :)

As for Diddy, I used him sometime ago and I really like him. When used well, his special is almost a 4-orage megastrike, but I usually don't do megastrikes. But I like to use Daisy because her special is an almost sure goal and also because I feel I need some more defense. Ok, I already have Birdo and DB, but even so I feel unsecure :D Anyway, is a nice variation to switch Daisy with Diddy.

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