Your best team setup

What works real good for me is

captain: DK
Wingers: Toad and Toad
Defense: Dry Bones

Pretty fantastic cuz they all play good defense and the wingers can always get it off to DK for a power shot. Hands down, awesome
runway227 said:
What works real good for me is

captain: DK
Wingers: Toad and Toad
Defense: Dry Bones

Pretty fantastic cuz they all play good defense and the wingers can always get it off to DK for a power shot. Hands down, awesome
use toad to do his jeke were he jumps to jump over the goalie and then you can run into the goal lol its awsome:D but you have to time it just wright... :shifty:
I know every team has its weaknesses and can be beaten, but I rarely ever get beat when I use my Bowser team...If you haven't seen my last post, my Bowser team is:

Hammer Bro.
Dry Bones

*Or as I like to call them..."The Koopa Family" lol:lol:. Three different types of Koopas, and of course...the King of the Koopas, Bowser:p.
I posted this in another thread because I didn't see this thread, but this one seems to be the main team setup thread so here's my teams:

I usually play:
1-Daisy-2x Shy Guy offense, Dry Bones Defense
2-Daisy-Shy Guy & Monty Mole Offense, Dry Bones Defense
3-Daisy-Shy Guy & Hammer Bros Offense, Dry Bones Defense
4-Wario-Boo & Shy Guy Offense, Dry Bones Defense

Team 2 is my usual setup when I play online. Team 1 is what I use when playing 'series with guest' matches online with my friend. Team 3 I rarely use, Hammer Bros to me are just a way to cheese free goals against bad players, especially during laggy games (95%+ of all games), but in a smooth game I find hammer bros to just be bad.

Team 4 is what I use if the other player took Daisy, just because I don't like Waluigi, even if he is exactly the same as Daisy except for the special. I'll take Waluigi if it looks like it's going to be a tough game though based on my opponent's record.

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts or advice on these teams I'm still new so anything helps :)
FRuMMaGe said:
Waluigi is more awesome than Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer combined and on fire :lol:

The team I use is:
Up Front - Waluigi.
Midfielder (Left) - Birdo.
Midfielder (Right) - Birdo.
Defence - Dry Bones.

This way, I get the awesome firepower and egg moves of Birdo, but also the incredibly easy to score teleportation goals of Waluigi and Dry Bones. Not to mention the hilarious technique of trapping the keeper in a square of thorns and easy running into the goal :lol:

What teams do the rest of you use?

woooahh dude...i got the EXACT same one as you..
add my wii wifi code and i'll do the same
i wanna face you some day
i dont think there is a best team.. just what ure gd playin wiv.... but if there skillz wuud hav to b ...

captain = power
lft wing = dry bones
right win =power
defence = playmaker

das wat i play wiv
AvariceX said:
I posted this in another thread because I didn't see this thread, but this one seems to be the main team setup thread so here's my teams:

I usually play:
1-Daisy-2x Shy Guy offense, Dry Bones Defense
2-Daisy-Shy Guy & Monty Mole Offense, Dry Bones Defense
3-Daisy-Shy Guy & Hammer Bros Offense, Dry Bones Defense
4-Wario-Boo & Shy Guy Offense, Dry Bones Defense

Team 2 is my usual setup when I play online. Team 1 is what I use when playing 'series with guest' matches online with my friend. Team 3 I rarely use, Hammer Bros to me are just a way to cheese free goals against bad players, especially during laggy games (95%+ of all games), but in a smooth game I find hammer bros to just be bad.

Team 4 is what I use if the other player took Daisy, just because I don't like Waluigi, even if he is exactly the same as Daisy except for the special. I'll take Waluigi if it looks like it's going to be a tough game though based on my opponent's record.

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts or advice on these teams I'm still new so anything helps :)

personnaly m8 i fink that u shood have a playmaker in defence rater than drybones. only because if there is rm for ur striker to score, with drybones he cnt pass the ball quick enuff to get it away.. but if u dnt hav an offensive or power captain.. or dnt hav anuver dry bnes or power guy in ur team then its no point because ytou wont be able to defend.

thas my view anyway

hope it helps :smilewinkgrin:

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