What do you hate on msc?

Samus101 said:
I don't do the same thing over and over, I do all kinds of different things, such as: Mega Strikes, Skill Shots, Boo Teleport (It's NOT easy to do), I pass a LOT, that's why I almost always win. I have a friend who's REALLY cheap. All he does is pass to DK and press "B" when the ball is half-charged! It goes in 90% of the time! :mad5: :mad5: :mad5:

But I still manage to beat him. :lol:

Well sorry if I mouthed off to ya Samus101. I thought you were one of those people who do cheap moves constantly, from the way you were getting on in your last post.

But still, I dispise those kind of ppl...like your DK using friend. I was up against a DK user once, and all he had were 3 Boos on his team. So if he couldn't deke through Kritter with his Boos, he'd take one single shot (weak or strong) with DK, and it'd almost always go in:mad2:.
Those were his only strategies...goalie deke with Boo, or one-shot goals with DK:mad5:.

I also hate it when ppl who do play cheap, and don't even care they're playing cheap. That's probably why I flipped b4. Because it seemed you, SSBBFan101, and Croswenthy didn't see anything wrong with playing cheap.
But I'm sorry if I freaked at you when you don't constantly use cheap moves like non-stop skill-shots, or non-stop goalie dekes.

Wanna Add me to Strikers? My FC should be in my signature, but if it's not, here it is:

Mario Strikers Friend Code: 481146 047743

Sorry again for the outburst b4 :p. If it came down to hating either your playing style, or your friends style...I'd choose your friends style, since it seems he's more of a cheap player:p.
Jeff25 said:
Because it seemed you, SSBBFan101, and Croswenthy didn't see anything wrong with playing cheap.

Don't misunderstand me. That was the gist of what I was saying. People play cheap, and often times win. But one trick ponies are the easiest to beat, because once you take away their game they normally collapse. In my experience in ranked play, they're almost 9/10 the first people to disconnect, and the first to complain about how cheap my play was ("Dude, you just parked your boo right next to my goalie, I could never Bones roll,") etc etc.
Croswenthy said:
Don't misunderstand me. That was the gist of what I was saying. People play cheap, and often times win. But one trick ponies are the easiest to beat, because once you take away their game they normally collapse. In my experience in ranked play, they're almost 9/10 the first people to disconnect, and the first to complain about how cheap my play was ("Dude, you just parked your boo right next to my goalie, I could never Bones roll,") etc etc.

Sorry if I misunderstood, and yeah I know what you mean when you say it's easy to figure out their strategy...but sometimes people can't seem to pull off stopping the cheap moves, and once the person realizes that you're trying to stop them from being cheap, they always have another cheap back-up strategy that you're not expecting. By the time you finally do start stopping their strategy, they're already have a good lead on ya.
But I know what you mean:thumbsup:. One strategy isn't good once the other team figures out how to block it.
Cheaters also always wine whenever they don't win, and their plays are bogus...which is why I LOVE beating cheaters:p!

By the way Croswenthy, I don't know if you've gotten a PM from me or not lately, but I was woundering if you'd wanna add me to Strikers.
I might have asked you that before, and I probably got an answer, but if I did, I can't remember what it was:p!
I'd be happy to add you if you'll gimme a good match! My Friend Code should be in my signature.
Send me a PM or post on this thread if you're interested or not:)!

Samus101 said:
Sorry I don't really do WiFi, my internet on my Wii has been really slow lately. :sick:

Well, if your internet on your Wii gets any faster and you decide to go on WiFi, let me know and we can add eachother's code:thumbsup:.
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I don't really single player to tell you the honest truth, I stick to 2 player. It's more intricate and you're almost totally responsible for coverage.
Jeff25 said:
What I dislike about playing Strikers, especially online with other ppl, is that a lot of ppl use three of the same sidekick on their team...that's when I KNOW I'm up against a cheater.
Like this one time I faced a DK user, and he had 3 Boos on his team:rolleyes:. And as everyone knows, Boos are pretty quick on the field and have excellent passing skills and a good deke. All he'd do was pass to one of his Boos and deke past my goalie:mad5:!
Another famous cheating sidekick is Dry Bones...with his annoying teleport deke...all they do is possesion shots along the side of the field and run side on to the net and deke to the other side and shoot...takes Kritter way outta position and hardly makes it fair:mad5:.

I also hate it when someone CONSTANTLY uses their sidekicks Skills Shots.
Like if someone always passes it to a Hamme Bro and he uses his skill shot...it's impossible to check him once he's in the air...the only possible way I find to avoid it from going in is to have one of my players stand behind Kritter and for some reason, the ball doesn't go it:).
Or if someone keeps using Dry Bones' Skill Shot too...that's another Skill Shot I hate being used CONSTANTLY:mad5:...

Basically, I HATE anyone who plays cheap by getting all their goals from either Kritter deking, or constant skill shots.

If I come accross one like that online, I wanna get outta the match soo bad, but I don't want to because I know it'll add a loss onto my record...which is another annoying piss off of fighting a cheater:mad2:

I mean, I have no problem if someone gets a goal or 2 using a skill shot like Hammer Bro's. or by deking through the goalie...but after one or two goals of doing that is enough...then it just gets frustrating.

This Goes Out To All Those Striker Players Who CONSTANTLY Use Goalie Dekes, Constant Skill Shots, and Anyother Cheap Moves For Getting All Their Goals:
I'm sure I speak for many others who've crossed paths with a cheap player!

u make a gd point jeff25, but all you have to do is do the same (if you have db, boo or hammer bro. in your team, oh thankz for the tip about the hammer bro. skill shot, really works !!! what i hate about hammer bro. is that when other players use 2 or even 3 as sidekicks ! and all they do is use their deke on my players and pass it around when all my players are smahed into the ground, they use their skillshot and score !!! or even give it to their captai for a megastrike !!! another thing i hate when all the other team does is hit you, i no it gives you power ups but when you hit them like for the first time they get a chain-dog (i think thats what their called lol) oh, a tip for a team who uses just boo's, have a power or db in defence and work on anticipating when they are going to they are going to teleport then hit them dont tackle as it takes slightly longer (I reckon)
i HATE THE SAND TOMB WITH THE THWOMPS !!! ,they do ma heddin especially online if im desperate for a goal, then wen i get a clear sht for a megastrike 1 hitz me :mad5: and if i need to get ba on defence then they just pummel me and they get a clear skil shot :mad5: so annoyin :mad:
Just4Fun said:
Well, I am hating Wastelands less (but still a little)... but the new number one in my hate list is Thunder Island. Oh, this stage is SO anoying... :mad2:

I LOVE Thunder Island. I enjoy knocking all of the other team's players off the field then doing a Mega Strike:lol:

RxWxTxF said:
i dont like this game. i rented it and it broke after two days. i prefer REAL soccer games

It sounded like you don't like the game because it broke...
i hate ppl that only use the teleport method to score. i dont like the stages the gay tomb i mean the sand tomb, wastelands and the dump. And most recent some1 who scores on u early then hold on to the ball by there own goal for the whole match :mad5: and of course the ppl that disconnect but my new name is "imadeUquit" so at least they will feel stupid when they quit lol.
this is true

EVERY person i've played today has used DK
and yes, they've passed the ball to DK to score goals
that actually gets quite annoying

fortunately, i just half-court chipped the ball and won by doing that
I hate the boo dekes
and i hate the wastelands
and i hate people that use hammer bro and Birdo because of there dekes and skill shots.
darkwolf98 said:
this is true

EVERY person i've played today has used DK
and yes, they've passed the ball to DK to score goals
that actually gets quite annoying

fortunately, i just half-court chipped the ball and won by doing that

Same here, I face DK in almost all of my online matches...Daisy is also another captain I've played against more times than I can remember:rolleyes:.

It seems like those 2 captains are quite popular among cheap players because of DK's "one-shot" goals, and Daisy's teleporting deke through Kritter.

If these captains are teamed up with the right sidekicks that're also good cheap-like characters (Boo, Toad, Hammer Bro., etc.), the opponent can be extremely annoying because they're more likely to use those dirty, cheap, pathetic strategies:rolleyes:.

Not to mention that both of their special abilities can be used to stun Kritter for an easy goal:mad5:...

I don't try and win by using cheap moves like one-shot goals or goalie deking, but when I'm faced with someone who won't let up with those moves...I'll teach'em a lesson by cheaping them back:p, so watch out those of you who use cheap moves like that:mad2:. I'll be ready for ya:cool:.

soccerazn said:
I hate the boo dekes
and i hate the wastelands
and i hate people that use hammer bro and Birdo because of there dekes and skill shots.

Same here man...I don't like Boos much either except when I'm using him. I don't deke with him very much though:).
I don't like the Wastelands either...it's just as bad as the Dump:rolleyes:.
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