What do you hate on msc?

i dont like this game. i rented it and it broke after two days. i prefer REAL soccer games
What I dislike about playing Strikers, especially online with other ppl, is that a lot of ppl use three of the same sidekick on their team...that's when I KNOW I'm up against a cheater.
Like this one time I faced a DK user, and he had 3 Boos on his team:rolleyes:. And as everyone knows, Boos are pretty quick on the field and have excellent passing skills and a good deke. All he'd do was pass to one of his Boos and deke past my goalie:mad5:!
Another famous cheating sidekick is Dry Bones...with his annoying teleport deke...all they do is possesion shots along the side of the field and run side on to the net and deke to the other side and shoot...takes Kritter way outta position and hardly makes it fair:mad5:.

I also hate it when someone CONSTANTLY uses their sidekicks Skills Shots.
Like if someone always passes it to a Hamme Bro and he uses his skill shot...it's impossible to check him once he's in the air...the only possible way I find to avoid it from going in is to have one of my players stand behind Kritter and for some reason, the ball doesn't go it:).
Or if someone keeps using Dry Bones' Skill Shot too...that's another Skill Shot I hate being used CONSTANTLY:mad5:...

Basically, I HATE anyone who plays cheap by getting all their goals from either Kritter deking, or constant skill shots.

If I come accross one like that online, I wanna get outta the match soo bad, but I don't want to because I know it'll add a loss onto my record...which is another annoying piss off of fighting a cheater:mad2:

I mean, I have no problem if someone gets a goal or 2 using a skill shot like Hammer Bro's. or by deking through the goalie...but after one or two goals of doing that is enough...then it just gets frustrating.

This Goes Out To All Those Striker Players Who CONSTANTLY Use Goalie Dekes, Constant Skill Shots, and Anyother Cheap Moves For Getting All Their Goals:
I'm sure I speak for many others who've crossed paths with a cheap player!
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Jeff25 said:
What I dislike about playing Strikers, especially online with other ppl, is that a lot of ppl use three of the same sidekick on their team...that's when I KNOW I'm up against a cheater.
Like this one time I faced a DK user, and he had 3 Boos on his team:rolleyes:. And as everyone knows, Boos are pretty quick on the field and have excellent passing skills and a good deke. All he'd do was pass to one of his Boos and deke past my goalie:mad5:!
Another famous cheating sidekick is Dry Bones...with his annoying teleport deke...all they do is possesion shots along the side of the field and run side on to the net and deke to the other side and shoot...takes Kritter way outta position and hardly makes it fair:mad5:.

I also hate it when someone CONSTANTLY uses their sidekicks Skills Shots.
Like if someone always passes it to a Hamme Bro and he uses his skill shot...it's impossible to check him once he's in the air...the only possible way I find to avoid it from going in is to have one of my players stand behind Kritter and for some reason, the ball doesn't go it:).
Or if someone keeps using Dry Bones' Skill Shot too...that's another Skill Shot I hate being used CONSTANTLY:mad5:...

Basically, I HATE anyone who plays cheap by getting all their goals from either Kritter deking, or constant skill shots.

If I come accross one like that online, I wanna get outta the match soo bad, but I don't want to because I know it'll add a loss onto my record...which is another annoying piss off of fighting a cheater:mad2:

I mean, I have no problem if someone gets a goal or 2 using a skill shot like Hammer Bro's. or by deking through the goalie...but after one or two goals of doing that is enough...then it just gets frustrating.

This Goes Out To All Those Striker Players Who CONSTANTLY Use Goalie Dekes, Constant Skill Shots, and Anyother Cheap Moves For Getting All Their Goals:
I'm sure I speak for many others who've crossed paths with a cheap player!
with you all the way Jeff
Thanks Scott :).
We should have another game on Strikers after man. Like the good o'l days lol:D
Have a couple of laughs at Monty Mole and his little cries of terror as we burn and electricute'em:p.
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Jeff25 said:
Thanks Scott :).
We should have another game on Strikers after man. Like the good o'l days lol:D
Have a couple of laughs at Monty Mole and his little cries of terror as we burn and electricute'em:p.
lmao, no ill be playin MoH all night
You know what I hate about MSC? How many people complain about dekers/power shooters/anything that puts the ball past the Crocodile Monster. Everything has a defense, if you know what's going to happen, it makes it that much easier to defend it.
Croswenthy said:
You know what I hate about MSC? How many people complain about dekers/power shooters/anything that puts the ball past the Crocodile Monster. Everything has a defense, if you know what's going to happen, it makes it that much easier to defend it.
SSBBFan101 said:
i hate how everyone complains about how they suck so bad.
Samus101 said:
Yeah, same here. I'm sick of people complaining how "cheap other people are", IMO if they can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen!

That's easy for you to say Croswenthy, but remember that one person can't control all four players on the feild at the one time.
By the time someone get's ready to use a cheap move to get another goal, someone else's player maybe halfway down the field and not in position.
The computer players have a stupid AI and get out of position all the time, and you can't expect ppl to just defend themselves when their players are out of their positions:mad5:.
So it may look easy to defend against, but you can't always rely on your teammates to be in the right position to make any kind of defense!

And for the rest of you who posted after Croswenthy, I don't care if you hate ppl like me. There are alot of us out there who like playing the game the way it was meant to be played, so don't dis us, maybe you should put more effort into the game rather than get all your goals by goalie deking and constant skill shots.
Like try actually passing the ball and taking a shot for starters!
Not every goal HAS to be gotten by deking and Skill Shots!:mad5:

Just because ppl like me hate ppl who do cheap moves doesn't mean we suck at the game either SSBBFan101:mad5:!
And as far as I'm concerned Samus101, if someone uses cheap moves like goalie deking and skill shots constantly, then yeah, they are cheap players:yesnod:. We can definitly take the heat, we just prefer it not be a "cheap" heat...more like a COMPETATIVE heat, is what honest players prefer:thumbsup:!

If I ever come accross you guys who do that, or any other cheap player out there, I'll enjoy squashing you. If you disconnect after I start winning, then you're pathetic...can't even take a loss and swallow your pride:frown2: .
And if Goalie Deking and constant Skill Shots are the only way you guys and manage to get your goals, then that's pathetic as well:ciappa:.

Other than that, just don't dis the ppl who enjoy a good match with little, if any, cheap strategies like CONSTANT skill shots and goalie dekes:nono:.

Shoot, Pass, Tackle, Deke, Skill Shots...there're all part of the game...just put some strategy into it, instead of using the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER:mad2:!
I know the people who play the way it should be played, back me up on this:thumbsup:.

You said Croswenthy that if you know what your oppenent is going to do, it should be easy to defend against it, well that just supports my statement before about how doing stuff like that makes the game VERY VERY BOARING!:mad5::prrr:

And by the way Croswenthy...that "Crocodile Monster" is KRITTER!
Take an interest:rolleyes:!
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Jeff25 said:
Shoot, Pass, Tackle, Deke, Skill Shots...there're all part of the game...just put some strategy into it, instead of using the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER:mad2:!
I don't do the same thing over and over, I do all kinds of different things, such as: Mega Strikes, Skill Shots, Boo Teleport (It's NOT easy to do), I pass a LOT, that's why I almost always win. I have a friend who's REALLY cheap. All he does is pass to DK and press "B" when the ball is half-charged! It goes in 90% of the time! :mad5: :mad5: :mad5:

But I still manage to beat him. :lol:
i, admittedly, get all my goals through cheap methods however i only get 1 or 2 per game so i'll take them however i can get them.:lol: I think i've won one game since i started playing, and i didn't even win the best of 3, just won 1. (though i haven't played much since SMG came out and then i got Trauma Center 2nd Opinion so those have been taking up my time, well now taht i beat SMG and "SLG" it's just been trauma center taking my time)

1) His name is Crocodile Monster as far as I'm concerned.
2) Yeah, the same thing over and over is boring, so make it interesting! Be aware of where who your AI is supposed to be covering, don't pull people out of position. The majority of break aways are due to blown coverage on one person. 9/10 it's not the AI's fault, it's yours. I'm just as guilty of swarming the ball as anyone else.

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