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What's offensive about it?

Haven't minors ever seen breasts?.

TLC's is wearing a bra. A normal item of women clothing.

Geez what a small closet some children grow up in.
i dont find it offensive so i say keep.... Cpt.McCloud will be on the computer 24z just tryna find a way to get rid of those diddys
Theres nothing offensive about it.


IT IS ANNOYING after a minute. The animation is the problem. Too fast, to flickery, kinda like someone bugging you at the corner of your eye sight.

Now this is more like it:
I think it would be better without the text. Have the image scroll down and right when it looks like its gonna show some taco, have donkykongs head pop up blocking the view and then reverse the animation so it goes back up in the same order.
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To you personally? Why is an image of a woman offensive to a bloke? Something you have to tell us? ;)

The image just shows a woman how God intended us to be but in order to prevent kiddies seeing what their parents unneccesarily sheild them from I have included a Ninty related image to censor her jumper bumps.

Try getting an English paper called The Sun and you will see a lot worse as soon as you turn the first page. ;)

Now think again. Why do you personally find it offensive?
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