Any musicians here?

Whatever... but I'm just trying to make a point that if you don't treat the drums properly, then the skin will break.
Well i'm sure if you beat the hell out of the drum pad it would break. It doesn't take a whole lot of force to activate the pads. The guitar that comes with rock band though is total TRASH. i'm going to open it up and see if i can tweek it.

The guitar parts in Rock band aren't as good as guitar hero, but thats because it's ment as a group game, not just the guitar.

Still fun.
Well, I'd suggest a double-kick, but if not, get a good single-kick. I don't have a double-kick myself, but I love the new beats you can make with it.
My main instrument at the moment is bassoon. Well should I say ATM? It's my favorite instrument to play for sure.

I'm majoring in music and hope to teach someday, (I'd love to teach bassoon!) so I'm really into music.

Otherwise I play the piano, as it's required for classes.

Other instruments I have played are alto saxophone (my second favorite, but at the moment I really don't have to play because mine doesn't work. :'( ), clarinet and trumpet. I gave up on the last two, I never really liked them.
I wanna teach too... but bassoon?? I can't get a note out of a wind instrument. I like strings and percussion (the piano is percussion.)
i got this beauty for christmas:
I've been playing drums for about 14 years. I can also play guitar and harmonica a little bit, but not very good.

I play in a Folk/Rock/Americana band called The Lost River Cavemen.
I gotta get a band, right now, it's just me and my girlfriend. She's an amazing singer.

EDIT: sorry, fiancee. I proposed to her 2 days ago.

EDIT: She broke off the engagement, but we're still together.
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I play fingerstyle bass, just replaced the strings and got my dad to custom-fit some machine heads on while I was over on my Christmas break.

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