Any musicians here?

LinksDarkSide said:
That is the friggin sweetest bass I have ever seen, hands down.
and it's got the voice to match, it sounds amazing! i had an equilizer pedal for my old bass, but i dont need it anymore because this one sounds better w/out it.

now i have a synthesizer pedal to use with this one lol
Here's an older pic of my drum set. The bass drum head is a different picture now.


And here I am playing a show. Soo much concentration. :lol:

You should see me in the zone while I play drums. Apparently, I look freaky.

EDIT: Here's a pic of my acoustic.
It's kind of blurry, because I can't hold a camera still for the life of me.

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LinksDarkSide said:
My sister stole my electric...

Everyone who knows me knows that if you even ATTEMPT to steal my guitar, jokingly or not, it's a declaration of war.
She stole mine because I hid it in the basement and forgot it when I moved out... now she has it under lock and key... I plan to take it back.
Bring a small army of rabid animals, they should do the trick. If need be, lay siege. I'll send reinforcements.
I'll just bring my gang of angry Link fangirls. No-one can take my axe and get away with it.
LinksDarkSide said:
You should see me in the zone while I play drums. Apparently, I look freaky.

EDIT: Here's a pic of my acoustic.
It's kind of blurry, because I can't hold a camera still for the life of me.


Nice. Is that a Martin? It's hard to tell from the pic. The headstock looks like a Martin though.
I wish it was a Martin... It's a Cambridge I think... Canadian cherry wood. Canadian-made as well.... I just changed the strings, and the tone actually improves over time.
Usually when i put new strings on my guitar, it's too bright for my taste. after a few days of heavy play they sound perfect and stay that way for a while.

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