Any fire-spinners here?

FRuMMaGe said:
Oh ok sorry. I thought you thought it was real
I may make some stupid comments sometimes, but give me a bit of credit. :D

ARav989 said:
hahahaah i always have matches or lighters on me. my friend set my arm on fire by spraying it with tag and i held the lighter so it was ignited and he sprayed the flame with the tag. it...was...awesome.
I like those adjustable lighters where you can get the flame length about 5-8 inches long, reminds me, where did I put that sucker...
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ARav989 said:
hahahaah i always have matches or lighters on me. my friend set my arm on fire by spraying it with tag and i held the lighter so it was ignited and he sprayed the flame with the tag. it...was...awesome.

I used to do that kind of thing too.

Here's why I stopped:
(be aware, some people in this video suffered ridicule, 3rd degree burns, and in one clip death)
(funny as hell though :lol: )
Heres some cool phraseis to say when on fire
"Flame on"
"Dose anyone smell burning"
"Bloody hell my arse is on fire"
"FEAL THE BURN" While doing a King of the fighters Kyo pose
I think I should sleep now
Its half three and im going to be busy latter
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Darkprinny said:
Heres some cool phraseis to say when on fire
"Flame on"
"Dose anyone smell burning"
"Bloody hell my arse is on fire"
"FEAL THE BURN" While doing a King of the fighters Kyo pose
I think I should sleep now
Its half three and im going to be busy latter

Pussy :lol:

I'm in England to but I'm not planning to sleep for at least another hour or two
FRuMMaGe said:
I used to do that kind of thing too.

Here's why I stopped:
(be aware, some people in this video suffered ridicule, 3rd degree burns, and in one clip death)
(funny as hell though :lol: )

hahaha yeah im not that crazy. the flame was only on my arm a couple seconds. im not insane enough to douse myself in oil and light myself.

What i do is just newspapers, paper of any form...and my favorite. a freggin shopping cart :lol:

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