Any musicians here?

what do a vaccum cleaner and an electric guitar have in common? They both suck when you plug them in...

How can you tell a bass player is at the door? He'll be fumbling around trying to find the right key...

Check out
The "about us" page should take you to myspace where you can hear the unmixed versions of 4 songs from our album. Everyone seems to like the one "Painted Faces".
Nice Brandon. Good work.
Haha, these musicians started a band and sucked, so they decided to become criminals. They robbed a music store first, and when everyone took what they wanted, and the drummer took one more drum and beat it.
airforce91 said:
and i spend like, all the money i've ever saved on a pedal setup yesterday. I got a Digital delay 6, Overdrive, Compression\sustainer, phaser, distortion, wah and volume pedals, tube screamer, sparkle drive and reverb(all boss except tube-screamer and sparkle drive). Just gotta wait for my telecaster to get shipped in now.

that's....alot of ****.

all i wants is a boss Bass Synthesizer for christmas.

EDIT: damn, double post :(
yeah. I've been saving for ages, wanted too get it all in one hit. You should've seen the salesman when i told him what i wanted. Now i just have to figure out how to use it properly...
airforce91 said:
yeah. I've been saving for ages, wanted too get it all in one hit. You should've seen the salesman when i told him what i wanted. Now i just have to figure out how to use it properly...
yeah, but that's the fun part. :smilewinkgrin:

when i got my bass equalizer, it took me a couple weeks to tweek all the levels just the way i want them, i've had it for almost a year now, and i know exactly how i like it.
i play clarinet :)
i'm in a marching band/wind ensemble.
pm me if you want to see our field show. we're California division 2 state champions :)
divisions are by size, not skill.
I play drums.

Hey, what did the music teacher say to the bad trumpet player before a concert?

Don't blow it.
ive played teh drums for 2 years and im getting better lol, im influenced by metallica,led zeppelin,rush,nirvana,the doors and a lot of classic rock...

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