Any musicians here?

i play drums as well. been playing for about 15 years. I'm currently in a rock band called 'the end.' we've only been together for about a year, but we're making great progress locally. Before that i was in a punk band (about 6-7 years ago).

hate to shamelessly self promote, but our stuff can be heard on we've got a regular site too, but it doesnt have much content on it. However if you care to look just click on my name and 'homepage'.

You wouldn't know it from hearing the songs, but my big influences are jon bonham, danny carey, and neil pert. good times. I play a 5-peice sonor.
i play Bass, i'm mostly into bob marley, reel big fish, and led zeppelin.

all that good jazz, ska, reggae.

also, our band played journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" for the talent show this year lol
I've practiced piano & general percussion (snare drum, bass drum, timpani, & xylophone). I've started practicing on turntables (which I consider an instrument) as well lately...
I play the piano, the guitar, the drums, I sing, and my girlfriend can do all of that as well. (We're actually recording demo tracks.)
A Bouzouki is, well I guess you can call it a sort of acoustic guitar. Google image search for a pic.
M@gicM@rk said:
I can play songs from Mario, Zelda, and Metroid on the piano.


HIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! Good to see you again!! :D I remember your vids! Gonna post any for Wiichat! :) Glad to see a good guy like you here!!!
i play guitar(im getting a beautiful yellow telecaster in 5 days!!). Mainly contempory rock, like switchfoot and three doors down and stuff when im playing secular music, but i play guitar at Hillsong church more than i do anywhere else. Love it too
and i spend like, all the money i've ever saved on a pedal setup yesterday. I got a Digital delay 6, Overdrive, Compression\sustainer, phaser, distortion, wah and volume pedals, tube screamer, sparkle drive and reverb(all boss except tube-screamer and sparkle drive). Just gotta wait for my telecaster to get shipped in now.

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