An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups- know, Ive been thinking about a 2nd character. Not now of course, but I have it all planned out. It will be a Zigaram minion. I dont know if I should say anything else....
Ok, I have just made a post. By separating Vladmir from the rebels, I can continue to post with the people who are online more. No offense meant at all, just anxious to post more.
Ditto. I would like to separate too, but I cant do that without screwing things up right now.
Why is that? The riot is over, just make a good post about fighting the Gym or training or something.
I would rather do that later. As Nak says, now is not the time. I would rather he join the rebels first.
Why did you follow my guy? I did that so I could get away. And a Totodile would NEVER be able to keep up with an Aerodacty like that. Im not saying to retract your post, just use your head a little more next time. You dont have to make him attack everyone for no reason.
He he, sorry. Ill just make him leave. And he only caught up cause Vladmar was in the tablet room for a bit.
Im always embarrassing myself.
True. Its cool, he doesnt have to leave, but if he stays, theres gonna be a fight. Three on one isnt exactly in your favor either.
Damnitt! I was going to do something when Tyre came, but got bored of waiting and left. And just now he shows up.....
lulz. Welcome back Phil. How have you been? We have been worried sick about you. (terrible joke...)
After you guys do some research, you could head to the ruins. Im assuming the Unown are still there.

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