An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Ya, I know, I've actually been waiting for Samlin to post... I posted just before Rocky, so I was going to wait. BRizer said he'd post soon too, so...?

yeah your right, it seems like we are all waiting for each other to post so we can add more depth to our own posts. I'll hopefully be able to post again on wednesday.
WMBQ, I am really sorry about what happened a few weeks ago but I really want to roleplay with you guys again so here I am.

Name: Rion
Species of Pokemon: Pikachu
WMBQ is an RP GOD!!!!
Age: 10 (In child terms to us)
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Rion has a lightning shaped tail, bright red cheeks and has brown lines on his back. He has yellow skin and black eyeballs with white pupils. His cheeks trickle in blue lightnin, when he's mad and he has a streamlined body, meaning he can run fast.
History: Rion has had a good life but it's all gone downhill recently. His parents were taken by the treacherous dictator of their land. They were forced to kill him but Rion fled and ran away from his home. Before then, he hasn't had much training in the art of battle but he knows that he should treat people fairly and be respectful of their backgrounds. After, escaping his village, he found himself in a forest and he almost died of exhaustion and thirst but he was saved by the Rebels and was taken in their camp. He now finds himself in a bed, in an unfamiliar place.
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^yeah he was in both the original and sequal. One of the corner stones of the alternate plotting comunity.
I thought you guys wouldn't miss me at all. I missed you guys though and I missed roleplaying with all of you. I hope my sign up gets accepted. I do think we should have another Alternate Plotish kind of roleplay, with all sorts of characters from different franchises interacting with each other. I'll try to think of something but a Pokemon RP is great too.
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  • #487
sorabrawl, I like your sign-up, but SU's are closed...

Guess I'll open 'em up again! We do need some activity, and it would be great to have you aboard. SkullKid, diabetic, feel free to sign up now. ;D

However, notice I didn't say you were accepted. Check the rules for details.
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  • #489
If you can make an adequate sign-up, yes you can.
Welcome to the plot, Sorabrawl! :) I certainly don't need to say you'll be a great addition... soon enough, anyways. We must revive the plot! DX
Here it is.
Name: Nak
WMBQ is an RP God!
Species of Pokemon: Totodile
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Nak is mostly an ordinary Totodile, looking similar to a small alligator. They are blue with scales all over, and big eyes. He has, like all members of his species, incredibly powerful jaws, which leads to a strong biting attack. They have sharp claws, which can be useful in slicing-and-dicing foes. He had red spines running down his back, and moving on to his tail. He and all Totadile are always looking cheerful and happy. He is two feet tall, and weighs 24 pounds, which is a bit overweight for a Totodile, probably due to being a glutton. However, his fangs are about twice as long as any Totodile, and apparently is excellent in combat with them. His tail is about 1/3 longer, so he can whip opponents with it easier, making moves like Aqua Tail a good choice. Everything else seems ordinary.

Nak was born in Blackthorn City, and there he spent a bit of his life. He was respected by his parents and neighbors, and so he was very happy....that is, until he was about 4. A few Gyarados came from the Lake of Rage, startled by some nearby Pokemon that were annoying them. His parents were killed in the rampage, along with many others. After barely surviving a strong attack, Nak got hurt and lost memory, sending him into a panic.
He had wandered off and eventually stumbled onto a swamp-like lake somewhere near Dark Cave. In the lake, Nak met a Quagsire living there. They soon became friends. During the time that Nak lived there, Quagsire taught Nak many things, such as how to fight and survive.
Besides in survival and fighting, Naks friend was a dim-witt, and was often boring. This urged Nak to explore the surrounding areas, such as the woods. He would often just do it to see if there was something different from the last day. This made him become much more intelligent and familiar with his surroundings.
After a few years, Nak had returned from a tiring days exploration only to find that Quagsire was not there. The loneliness drove him to insanity, and became very different. He would only leave the murky waters to get food and play childish pranks on the rare passerby.
Naks home would later be invaded by Alakazams minions, such as Zangoose. He is driven out, but finds the rebel group. He joins them in an attempt to get revenge on these dangerous creatures.

Er....the history is better than the last time, while the physical description remains unchanged.
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  • #493
Alright, the description is still okay, but I still have some problems with the history... not to mention the fact that you forgot to fill in name, age, and gender.

A few Gyrados came from the Lake of Rage, startled by something.

Okay, so here's the first problem. Not only did you spell Gyarados wrong, but you completely neglected to explain any reason as to why they're rampaging. Remember last time when I told you to not leave anything unexplained? Hasn't changed.

His parents were killed in the rampage, along with many others. After being hit by a strong attack, Nak got hurt and lost memory, sending him into a panic.

This just doesn't make sense... if his parents (presumably stronger, since strength comes with age, along with evolution. Even if his parents are Totodile as well, they should still be stronger than him because he's still young) were killed by these Gyarados, why does he survive from a strong attack? You said strong, so he should naturally be killed byi t if everyone else was.

He wandered off and eventually stumbled onto a swamp-like lake somewhere near Dark Cave. In the lake, Nak met a Water-type Pokemon living there. They soon became friends. Naks friend taught him many things, such as how to fight and survive.
Besides in survival and fighting, Naks friend was a dim-witt. This urged Nak to explore the surrounding areas, such as the woods. This made him become much more intelligent and familiar with his surroundings.

Alright, a few problems here:

1) The first thing that jumps out at me is your grammar: your tenses are inconsistent. Fix that.

2) Alright, so I like the swampy bit-- it fits him. However, you mentioned that he became friends with a Water-type Pokemon, but you neglected to even mention his/her species, let alone his/her name.

3) On that note, if he's so smart at surviving and knows how to fight, why is he stupid? To me, it seems like he should be intelligent enough, as survival skills are tough to learn.

After a few years, Nak had returned from a tiring days exploration only to find that his friend was not there. The loneliness drove him to insanity, and became very different. He would only leave the murky waters to get food and play childish pranks on the rare passerby.
Nak would later find the rebel group. He would join them in an attempt to make something of his life, and perhaps get some reward.

If he stopped caring about his friend, why would he go insane when this mysterious friend died? Also, where exactly did this friend go? What caused his disappearance? Why is Nak exploring if he knows the lay of the land so well? What made him join the rebel group? Because he was insane? That makes no sense to me at all... you said he wanted to make something of his life, but if he's insane, he wouldn't want to. Not to add that the rebel group is tough, and essentially reserved for those who have had troubles with Zigaram, who you completely neglected to mention, by the way.

Needless to say, this sign-up needs a lot of work. Not only do you need to add more to your history, but you also need to include the entire sign-up.

For now, I'm going to have to reject this. Work on it a bit, and I'll see what I can do.
OK, OK, I fixed a lot of the stuff. Theres still a few things....sorry I forgot add the other things.
My turn, my turn!

Name: Senjo
Species of Pokemon: Duskull
Age: Deceased (or undead, being a ghost type)
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Senjo is the mostly the same size and shape as a normal Duskull. Like most Duskull, he is a dark brown-greyish color. The bone markings on his back are a slightly lighter brown, and a very flat, light tan-colored skull is placed over his comepletely black face. The only part of his face shown is his dark blue eye, which goes back and forth between the two eye-socket holes in the skull.

His shape is that of most Duskull as well. A floating blob with no legs. His skin curls up at the top, slightly in the shape of fire. His arms are long flaps of skin with very small claws. Instead of the normal two bone markings on his back, he has three.

History: 101 years ago, a Pokemon was lying on the ground, knocked out. When this Pokemon woke up, it had no recollection of what had happened before it fainted, aside from its name, Senjo. When the Pokemon looked at itself in the reflection of a nearby stream, it shocked it to see that it had been turned into a ghost type Pokemon, a Duskull to be more specific.

Dazed and confused, Senjo traveled away from the water, not wanting to look at himself. It took him awhile to get used to the way Duskull move; he was not used to floating. When he finally got the hang of it, Senjo hurried back to his home village in the Hoenn region. When he got there, the residents were frightened. They hid in their homes, they hid in churches, and they tried to repel them. Digusted and heart-broken, he hovered away, farther, and farther, and farther, never wanting to return again.

Eventually, Senjo found his way into the Johto region, through means of sneaking in a crate on a Cargo ship. When he arrived on the Johto soil, he wondered where to go. Who would accept a ghost? However, he knew this answer once he floated to Sprout Tower, located in the town of Violet City. The tower was long abandoned and only theives and other law-brakers gathered there. They wouldn't be afraid of a puny Ghost. When Senjo made his way in, he saw other ghosts as well, on the second floor. This, he decided, is where he would live, for now.

Other: None at the moment.

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