An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Im sorry guys, I just got a bunch of other stuff to deal with right now. Ill still be online now and again for whoever takes over my characters if they need some sort of direction. Again, my apologies. It was fun while it lasted.
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I'll probably bunny your characters into the next major fight, where I will have them die so you don't have to worry about anything.

I'll probably bunny your characters into the next major fight, where I will have them die so you don't have to worry about anything.

that's cold...haha

Sorry to see you go Storm. I can barly keep on pace with two characters, and don't think it would be doing me any good to take on a third. thanks for the offer though. It's tempting to take on vlad, but i think it would be too much.
I should be able to handle it but not 100% sure on this, the battles are no prob. I'll try to convince shadow to take them if not i'll try. Really sad your leaving. It won't be the same without you.
well sorry but i won't. i'm fine with just my 2. if i were given control, i'd do the same as wmbq: kill them off in the next fight.
lolz. You guys are SO funny. Actually, Im reconsidering. Ill stay in, but I wont be able to post for a bit, so im gonna post an IC, but for the time being, noone mess with them.
i could post, but it would be short and unmeaningful. I was waiting for the others to post something.

Also ck, rocky is waiting on a response from requim.
Ya, I know, I've actually been waiting for Samlin to post... I posted just before Rocky, so I was going to wait. BRizer said he'd post soon too, so...?
Maybe post something as Monferno, CK. Perhaps that will inspire Bowserizer to post....well, its better than nothing.

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