1v1 brawl league

Hah, the Bumper is the greatest Item to ever grace Smash Bros.

I believe I already said that :p.

I've got bad news, I probably won't be able to show up for the Falcon dittos later today. =/ If I don't post any more all day, don't expect me to show up. Waiting would be pointless. Sorry. :(

Well, at least you had some Falcon Dittos with me and some of my friends. I can probably set up another one if you can't make todays.

About the FFA Fridays... what time does it start? If it doesn't have a time schedule (don't remember and I'm school = don't want to check and risk getting caught) I think I have one that works.

FFA Fridays:
FFA (normal): 6 PM - 8 PM (GMT -4)
FFA (Captain): 8 PM - ??? PM (GMT -4, optional)

The Captain Falcon dittos would start at 8 PM, but could be ended at any time. Later, if people still want, they could continue to play. Since it's Friday (and some people are western time while other = eastern) that allows people a decent time to start. I tried to keep in consideration all of the western time zones. This would mean you'd start at 5... which isn't that bad.
About the FFA Fridays... what time does it start? If it doesn't have a time schedule (don't remember and I'm school = don't want to check and risk getting caught) I think I have one that works.

Rules-wise, there is no need to place a time for it to "start". It's a day that is open for you guys to plan a FFA at whatever time.
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Ya, but that could become a hassle to set up. It would just be easier for everyone to add each other and be on at a general time. Then someone could just start a game and have people from the league join.

Anything that involves 4 people = a pain to organize. It's just like setting a 2v2 up... it's hard. FFAs usually just spring up... scheduling them just seems weird.

How about everyone just posts what time they think they can be on, so other people get an idea of what would be a good time to join?

My idea:
On the first page should be a section devoted to the FFA Fridays; each person should have a time range by their name (or N/A) telling when they plan on joining the FFA. This way people don't end up waiting for a while for an FFA. It makes things easier for everybody and helps keep it fun (I personally get bored at waiting). It also takes the hassle of having to set up FFAs each week. A person can just add onto (as a side note) one of their posts what time they can play for FFA Friday. If something comes up they can just say it won't work out.
Wherever this is located (if it's approved) should be on a persons post who will check this every week. If the person is going to miss a week, or two, it should be transferred to another person's post.

Example (mines the only realistic one):
(username): (Time Range), (GMT); (What type of FFAs willing to play [Items, no items, extra damage, ect.])

Kingslayer: 6 - 10+ PM (GMT -4); Any
Bio: 5 - 11 PM (GMT -5); No items
JonRyan: 6 - 12 PM (GMT -6); No items, normal damage
Your first suggestion, which from the way you said your first suggestion, sounded more like having FFA Fridays start at a particular time for everyone every Friday. This is something that the players must organize.

It is fairly pointless to make everything start at one time because people don't always play in that time window. If the time window is too small, it shuts out too many people that have a conflicting agenda on that day. If the time window is too wide, it makes it difficult for those who are available to catch someone online. Both of these constrictions just makes things more complicated than necessary.

The easiest way to get everyone organized as often as possible is to plan in the thread. The thread is the one thing all members check, therefore the message will be heard most effectively here. Planning in advance eliminates the need for people to log on at a specific time, therefore organizing enough players is also alleviated by using the thread. People will know to plan in advance because the name of the event is "FFA Fridays". It doesn't get any more obvious than that.

This format is the most effective, easiest way to do it. That is why no time windows were laid down.

This current suggestion, though (the one you made about having some kind of "availability" section) makes more sense. Great idea. It wouldn't hurt implementing it, but just know that this will only be mild support to make things easier...setting up a FFA will be a hassle to set up regardless. The ability to conveniently get a FFA set up depends heavily on the size and activity of the League. To add any more rules would either sacrifice the League's flexibility or be irrelevant.

So here a rough outline of how it goes down. You guys give me your opinions:

FFA Fridays Availability
(*These are only the greatest likelihoods of availibility for each player. Expect Friday agendas to occasionally change for each player)

Time: 6 - 10+ PM
Time Zone: (GMT -4)
Preferences: Any

Time: 5 - 11 PM
Time Zone: (GMT -5)
Preferences: No items

Time: 6 - 12 PM
Time Zone: (GMT -6)
Preferences: No items, normal damage

I decided not to include anyone with no info because it serves no purpose to have them there. Not everyone will, or has to, participate in the FFA Fridays.
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I made up both yours, CK's, and JonRyan's times. So, you might want to adjust them to make sense for todays :p.

Here's something that you could copy and past (if you want):

FFA Friday Availability
(*These are only the greatest likelihoods of availibility for each player. Expect Friday agendas to occasionally change for each player)

Time Zone: GMT -7 (Pacific Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -5 (Central Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: N/A
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: N/A
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -7 (Central Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -6 (Mountain Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT 0 (London Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Time)
Time: 6 PM - 11+ PM
Preferences: Any

Time Zone: GMT -5 (Central Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT 0 (London Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT 0 (London Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -6 (Mountain Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Time)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

Time Zone: GMT +10 (Queensland)
Time: N/A
Preferences: N/A

This is what I had in mind. With this you could just edit and change minor details (making it very easy to maintain).
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I know they were examples lol. What I made was also a just an example.

Anyway, thanks for doing the grunt work for me lol. Everyone just take a look at king's format. It'll generally be like that.
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Wow, you edit fast :p. I'm going to jump onto Brawl and see if I can get into some FFA action.

Edit: I can't play Brawl at all this weekend... I guess. My router has suddenly decided to reject my Wii. I'll try fixing it, but it won't let me onto my router's firewall. I think I might have to re-configure my whole Wii, but that changes my code (I think). I'll see what happens... I'll just give it some time and see if it's just bugging out for a bit. (Error Code: 51031... if you want to see what it's doing)
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my gmt is -7 not what you put.

No, it's daylight savings time = all are pushed up one (negative so goes to previous number). Daylight Savings Time affects your GMT.


Here's a site which lists your time:

When Daylight Savings Time is over you'll go back to GMT -7 and I'll go back to GMT -5. You can tell when it's over by checking this site (or just remember it ends on November 1st).
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #791
hmmm at the bottom it says -7 and it has the right time.
guess its my mistake.
i am getting online right now if anyone wants an official make your tag "yay" if its friendly put "nay"
the thread is starting to slow down :/

I am anxious to challenge TONS of people right now, but I gotta finish out this college semester without distractions (and my connection up here is also not working well lately). I have less than a week.

Keep in mind that we're in the tail-end of most American school semesters (and possibly the same for other regions). This is around the time where not many people have time to play video games regularly. The league will pick up steam soon, especially when this also means we enter summer break.
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #795
oh yeah must have forgot :/

just my school it soo easy that it is quite sad the easiest part of the year. my high school is quite pathetic.

since i have open time anyone who also does i am more than willing to have an official.

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