1v1 brawl league

Hopefully that was a compliment XD. Ya... I was tired of having no sig, so I grabbed one of my old ones. Now I'm surfing youtube (due to CK's hacked games) looking for funny SSBB videos (made a thread) :p. Wish my Wii internet connection was working....
I am anxious to challenge TONS of people right now, but I gotta finish out this college semester without distractions (and my connection up here is also not working well lately). I have less than a week.

Keep in mind that we're in the tail-end of most American school semesters (and possibly the same for other regions). This is around the time where not many people have time to play video games regularly. The league will pick up steam soon, especially when this also means we enter summer break.

I'm getting out of school for summer break in about 3 weeks. So I'll be able to play more often (hopefully unless I start working out).
@JonRyan-My school is sort of easy for me even though like 370 out 1,500 don't have D's and F's. I got A's and B's the whole year :p

I won't be able to play nobody today bydaway since I won't be home.
Ya, my school ends in about 3-4 weeks too. I work out everyday (except Fridays), but that doesn't stop me from playing Brawl :p.

Anyway, I'm sort of busy the next upcoming weeks (Senior stuff), so I doubt that I'll be playing a lot.
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@bio: I have, this thread seems un-open to challenges.

@Thread: I think this "thread" is un-open to anything brawl related, because it seems more like white noise. This threads drifted way off-topic.
Yes, ffa, just some good brawls with good people. Im so bored of random noobs. Ill brawl in 10-15mins. Deal?

k,but im not sure if i added you or if i have you,short attention span,well i'll check and im going to get on brawl to wait for you.
Alright Ill get on now too. but in 10 mins, Im eatin some tacos. after that, well brawl more. Just stay on if i stop moving, Im eating. Itll take 5mins.
ha ha do you have a senior project???

No, I'm talking about Senior Breakfast, Prom, Graduation Ceremony, etc. All of my academics are basically done.

@Thread: I think this "thread" is un-open to anything brawl related, because it seems more like white noise. This threads drifted way off-topic.

Ya, but that's because we're too busy (or in my case my Wii Internet connection is messed up) to play. It only takes a few minutes to check this thread and you can do it anywhere where you have Internet access. The Wii, on the other hand is annoying to carry around. I can check this at school, but I can't play at school :p.
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lastwords: this has not gone way off topic it was still in relevance to the thread up until i asked if he had a senior project.
anyone: as i said earlier, i am looking for brawls.

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