1v1 brawl league

@bio: I have, this thread seems un-open to challenges.

Yeah that's right. Keep trying, man. We won't be unavailable forever.

@Thread: I think this "thread" is un-open to anything brawl related, because it seems more like white noise. This threads drifted way off-topic.

How has this thread gotten off-topic when the last few posts before yours have been me and JonRyan talking about the thread and kingslayer talking about being available for brawl in spite of school?

I don't think anyone should expect this thread to be strictly posts about challenging each other. For one, it's unrealistic. Two, "on-topic" doesn't consist only of making challenges and discussing results...it just means discussion related to the thread. Finally, this thread works around people regularly in direct interaction with each other via brawling. As normal people, we will inevitably break into idle chatter at a rare moment because no one likes to only talk about challenges. It's against the forum rules if it gets unrelated to the thread, but we aren't robots at the same time. The important thing is that we contain the idle chatter to a minimum so that it doesn't get to the point to where the thread can't recover from a derailed conversation.

Once again, this thread isn't dying. It's more "white noise"-ish at the moment because May is a typical school dry spell. With few people joining and few members available for challenges right now, it isn't the least bit surprising. We totalled 41 pages in less than a month, so have faith when I say that this thread WILL recover shortly.
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Bio you are right and i am sure it WILL recover,especially during summer vacation.
school time just isn't a good time.right after my final exams i will start comming on wiichat more often again.
Ya, my school ends in about 3-4 weeks too. I work out everyday (except Fridays), but that doesn't stop me from playing Brawl :p.

Anyway, I'm sort of busy the next upcoming weeks (Senior stuff), so I doubt that I'll be playing a lot.

I work out everyday for atleast 3 minutes because I'm trying to get a 6pack abs.

Am I the only highschool freshman or something?

There are senior projects in my school and if you do a great one in recycling you'll get a good grade seniors.

This ain't offtopic, we are talking about when we are going to have time to play more often. I'll probably would be able to have some officials tomorrow if anyone is interested.
I work out everyday for atleast 3 minutes because I'm trying to get a 6pack abs.

Am I the only highschool freshman or something?

There are senior projects in my school and if you do a great one in recycling you'll get a good grade seniors.

This ain't offtopic, we are talking about when we are going to have time to play more often. I'll probably would be able to have some officials tomorrow if anyone is interested.

3mins?XD thats short.
I forgot you were 14/15,i think.
btw how is Fito doing?
I work out everyday for atleast 3 minutes because I'm trying to get a 6pack abs.

Am I the only highschool freshman or something?

There are senior projects in my school and if you do a great one in recycling you'll get a good grade seniors.

This ain't offtopic, we are talking about when we are going to have time to play more often. I'll probably would be able to have some officials tomorrow if anyone is interested.

3 minutes was probably meant to be 30 (though your suppose to get 1 hour of exercise a day).

I personally get 1 hour of strength training, 30 minutes of cardio, and 15 minutes of stretching (it's sort of a workout itself) a day (except on Fridays).

Ya, getting a six-pac is a #%$@!. Keeping it, on the other hand, is very easy (so easy that you start slacking off and notice that it's gotten less prominent). It's a chick magnet, though, so it's worth the effort XD.

When I'm on these forums I often do push-ups, sit-ups, etc. while waiting for replies. That might be a way you could save time and have more time for brawling.

Also, you should do lower-body exercises too (girls look at the calves and butt also).

Maybe you can join a strength training class, or something, at your school. This would leave you more time to play, since you'd have already worked out for the day.
3 minutes was probably meant to be 30 (though your suppose to get 1 hour of exercise a day).

I personally get 1 hour of strength training, 30 minutes of cardio, and 15 minutes of stretching (it's sort of a workout itself) a day (except on Fridays).

Ya, getting a six-pac is a #%$@!. Keeping it, on the other hand, is very easy (so easy that you start slacking off and notice that it's gotten less prominent). It's a chick magnet, though, so it's worth the effort XD.

When I'm on these forums I often do push-ups, sit-ups, etc. while waiting for replies. That might be a way you could save time and have more time for brawling.

Also, you should do lower-body exercises too (girls look at the calves and butt also).

Maybe you can join a strength training class, or something, at your school. This would leave you more time to play, since you'd have already worked out for the day.

yeah im sort of addicted to exercising but sometimes i forget.anyways you didn't have to say the details on the lower body.XD o_o seriously.
3 minutes was probably meant to be 30 (though your suppose to get 1 hour of exercise a day).

I personally get 1 hour of strength training, 30 minutes of cardio, and 15 minutes of stretching (it's sort of a workout itself) a day (except on Fridays).

Ya, getting a six-pac is a #%$@!. Keeping it, on the other hand, is very easy (so easy that you start slacking off and notice that it's gotten less prominent). It's a chick magnet, though, so it's worth the effort XD.

When I'm on these forums I often do push-ups, sit-ups, etc. while waiting for replies. That might be a way you could save time and have more time for brawling.

Also, you should do lower-body exercises too (girls look at the calves and butt also).

Maybe you can join a strength training class, or something, at your school. This would leave you more time to play, since you'd have already worked out for the day.

I know that 3 minutes is a little but I have P.E for an hour at school. Next year I will get weight training (work out class: weights,benching all of that) in school. I work out secretely inside my house to tell all of you the truth. I'm shy about this kind of stuff. I'm gonna buy barbells over the summer and work my ass off. Do any of you have veins popping out of your wrists? That gets people in my school jelous for some reason. I'm stronger than a lot of people that I know, you don't need to be buff in order to be strong. I'm good at arm wrestling. I'll be buff, just watch.
Lol ok now I know exercising is off topic. athough when reading I saw one tie with anything relevent to this... good job. And Push ups=godly
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  • #821
hmm i also have body conditioning, i have pretty massive forearms, back and abs from wrestling. never really worked out my chest. i also wanna start working out more and especially my biceps.

topic related: so all of friday i won't be able to get on so does anyone wanna have some ffa's?
hmm i also have body conditioning, i have pretty massive forearms, back and abs from wrestling. never really worked out my chest. i also wanna start working out more and especially my biceps.

Curls, curls, curls :p.

topic related: so all of friday i won't be able to get on so does anyone wanna have some ffa's?

If my Wii is up and running soon... that's a yes. I'll also face anyone who wants to have an official (I really don't care if I win or lose... it's just for fun). I'll probably have my Wii fixed by Tuesday or Wednesday... so it shouldn't be that big of a deal (it's just a router problem).
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  • #823
haha i do curls, 21's burnouts, dun bells, and this other thing my teacher showed me where i do a lot of different arm exercises with light weight.
i know how to get them big i just don't do them frequent enough.
haha i do curls, 21's burnouts, dun bells, and this other thing my teacher showed me where i do a lot of different arm exercises with light weight.
i know how to get them big i just don't do them frequent enough.

Ya, burnouts are fun. There are about 20, or so, arm exercises I do. Each is centered on a different part, but it's all good. I do have to admit it's made me a little vain... I tend to flex my muscles and feel them quite often. At least I don't act arrogant or superior to other people... I just leave it to self-admiration :p (I look at myself in the mirror often too). It's pretty bad, but oh well I guess it's just a reward for the hard work I put in.

It's going to blow when I'm like 50 something and get all pudgy :sad:.

Have you noticed that after a serious workout that you can't seem to play Brawl as well? I should probably schedule my officials after I've rested, so that my opponent gets a better fight out of me.

On Topic: If my Wii begins to work I think I'm going to have an "official" day on Saturday. That way I can just get through like 5, or so, and people might stop complaining :p.
If you guys want to talk about getting ripped...go to the gym or make a thread in the Lounge. -_-

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