1v1 brawl league

real-o vs. kingslayer

Ike vs. Pikachu @ Final Destination - kingslayer
Snake vs. Pikachu @ Final Destination - real-o
Snake vs. Pikachu @ Final Destination - kingslayer

kingslayer was very Down+B happy with his Pikachu. I will review the video before calling him spammy or cheap, but that is my impression at the moment.
I wanna see that, as well.

Also, I'm down for an official if anyone is interested. My offer is short, though. I'll have to step out in a little bit.
Let's do it Bio, if it's not too late. Usual FD, Smashville, Battlefield?

Edit: I guess it was too late. :(
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  • #724
sorry for not mentioning the bounty to you bio i think it took place while you weren't here i was just trying to keep this league active.
also it ended a week after i issued it.
btw i wanna have more fun things like once a month to get us more active and keep us from getting to bored.

any suggestions hit me or bio up.
I'm not a rule maker but how about "Free For All Friday". As the name suggests it's a free for all that the winner gets points. The looser shouldn't loose points but spammers and campers should if you guys decide to. It's the same rules 2 Stock, 3 minutes, (Items is if EVERYONE decides to). It could be 1 stock so you get the chance to finish before 3 minutes but 2 stock could work to.

But I'm not an official and all of this is off topic talk.
Let's do it Bio, if it's not too late. Usual FD, Smashville, Battlefield?

Edit: I guess it was too late. :(

Yeah too late. =/ Doesn't matter, though, since my connection wasn't working for some reason.
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  • #727
i also had a thought like that general.
bio what do you think of a ffa?
also i will forward you ck's suggestion to see what you think of it.

general next time you have a suggestion please pm it.
FANTASTIC idea, Generalasma. I have some rules in mind for this so that it gels seamlessly with the league. They're just sketchy ideas, so let me know what you guys think:

Free-For-All Fridays

  • FFAs can be played for points on Fridays only.
  • Game settings are up to the players.
  • All 3 or 4 players involved in the FFA must be part of the League for points to be given.
  • FFAs can be arranged in this thread.
  • The winner of each FFA gets 5 points added to their stats. Second place gets 3 points, Third place gets 2 points, Loser gets 1 point.
  • FFA outcomes for players do not affect the Win/Loss count in their player stats.
  • All results must be known in the thread for each Brawl for anyone to recieve points for that Brawl.
  • No video necessary (and most wouldn't be able to be saved anyway)

If this gets approved, I would also like this to be in effect starting this Friday.
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Ahh, those rules seem perfect, Bio. Very well thought out. That ruleset is anything but sketchy. I probably couldn't think of any way to improve them. I'd certainly be willing to play by those rules.
Gah, I editted the post before I saw that you posted. Make sure you read the latest version.
Hah, you're quick to revise the rules, Bio. The new set is great as well, even greater, really. I do hope that these rules get passed by tomorrow; I totally need to organize a 4-way Falcon ditto. :p Not for the points, but for teh lulz.
I like this idea and those rules are good, Bio. I was skeptical at first (with the no videos, etc) but you've edited them now and I can't think of anything to add.

Not to divert attention from the FFA idea, but here is the latest video.

Real-o vs. kingslayer

Edit: Also I want in on the 4-way Falcon dittos.
Game settings are up to the players. Since my idea is that the Brawls aren't going to be recorded, it shouldn't matter how many stock are used.
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Hm, edited again eh? Personally I think replays should be saved, for entertainment purposes and to watch for cheapness, and so there are no disputes over the winner. Perhaps we should have a few FFAs with 2 stock and 3 mins to see how often it would end in sudden death? Also, I'm not sure about the points now... 1 point just for participating? I know it's only 1 point but... it seems to me that only the winner should gain points. So, I think I liked the rules better before. What do you guys think about 3 pts. for 1st, 2 pts. for 2nd, 1 pt. for 3rd and 0 for 4th?
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