1v1 brawl league

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  • #693
barely??? i never see you on :/

stick to thread topic.
nice to have you back.

btw fraz you need to get in an official match because you haven't had any and until then you are not an active participant.
Alright jon, official?
Ill host & send. no items, free lv choice. deal?
Btw Idk if this is a rule, but if I dont get a response to a challenge, I decline it.
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... What? Train you, when you were once a competent tourny battler? Screw you. -.-

Joking. :lol: As you've seen, I'm an aggro player, Last. I can't exactly help your defensive play get better. I'd be glad to just have a bunch of dittos, but there's not much else I can do. That, and I'd say you're good enough to fend for yourself in a Brawl. Occasional training to keep your skills sharp is all you need, really.

This is off topic, though... Take it to PM, yeah?
I think that I will have an official with CK tomorrow if it's ok with him. Everyone remember that if I beat him I get double the points (the CK bounty hunt).

I haven't forgotten that we haven't had our match Lastwords? It's just that I haven't been playing Brawl too often now because I haven't had time and I haven't been home.
Double the points? Haha, nice try.

Btw Idk if this is a rule, but if I dont get a response to a challenge, I decline it.

Yes, of course. Just make sure you let us know or else I'll keep the challenge in the Pending Challenges.
An official tomorrow? Hm... I don't think I'm up for it, and probably won't be for awhile. My sleep is getting terribly eratic again, and I'm not fit for a match. I'd rather not have a loss due to poor sleep. :p Sorry, but I'll have to decline for the moment. I guess you could say I'll be an innactive member of the league for a bit; but rest assured, I'll qualify for my once a month match thing. It won't take me an entire month just to get well-rested. :lol:

Oh, and the bounty on my head ended yesterday, didn't it?
Whatever "bounty" this is should have no bearing on the point system, unless I'm missing something mentioned by JonRyan or real-o. Though I'd say if your streak keeps up, you will always have "bounty hunters", regardless.

Hey just a heads-up, CK: I'd still like to Brawl you eventually (though like you, not for awhile).
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Jon was the one who issued a bounty on me, Bio. Here's the quote.

rules have been updated.

*Also seeing how ck is in a league of his own, i am putting a bounty on his head. first person to beat ck will win double the points. if who ever wins two consecutive matches(meaning they don't even have to go to the third match) they will win triple.

the same rules apply, and this offer is only from today till the end of next Saturday.

good luck to all.

It's funny, only Last and Rico challenged me after that bounty was announced. They certainly weren't close to get those triple points, though. :p

Oh, and I'd love to have a few Brawls as well, Bio. Whether it be officials or friendlies, we simply don't Brawl much anymore (maybe I should stay away from Basic Brawl more >.>; ).

Oh, that's right... It's officially May, so I've got to refresh my list of those I've beaten, and restock it. Once I'm rejuvinated from (hopefully) excellent sleep, you all should be expecting some challenges. :thumbsup:
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