1v1 brawl league

Was I a bit spammy with my Down B? I don't remember the matches that well, but I'm guessing it was with your Snake. I remember you dodged my Down B's and it threw me off guard a little. They've missed, but I haven't had anyone dodge them before (like that at least). Whenever something new comes up, that I'm not use to, I try to find a way to counter it... for the next time.
I wanted to see how you were dodging them and if there was a way past it, but I guess I turned out spammy. There's a lot of things I still don't know about Brawl (if you've noticed I almost never grab... it's because I really don't know how to do it... I know the button, but eh), so I'm learning as I go.

If you want we can make the match we had not count and have a re-match where I'm less spammy. I haven't watched the video yet (loading), but I'll get to it and make sure I don't do the same thing next time.

Edit: In the Ike one I was pretty bad. I use Down B as my edgeguard, but I shouldn't of spammed it for the KO on the middle of the stage.

Oh, I saw the video and the reason I use Down B, quite often, is because that's how I edgeguard. If their below, and have to go up to get to the stage, I'll use B, but if it's the side or above I use Down B.
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Awesome, the rules were passed! :D Alright, now we need to set up a 4 way Captain Falcon ditto. Who's interested?! :D

And ofcourse, what's your input on items or not? On or off I don't care, but it'd still be fun with items on. :D

I personally recommend 4 stock for a long, epic Brawl. Incase a participant isn't good with Falcon and suicides, this can be forgiven and they could still not drop into 4th place, or even win if they're good.
Well... I'm guessing you know I'm interested. I already tried to set one up today (instead had about 5 4-way Ganon matches... was fun still), but it didn't pan out.

I'll try getting another one set up (won't count towards this league) for fun at 11pm (GMT -4). I'll leave setting one up, on Friday, to someone else, but if we get enough people we could have multiple 4-way Falcon matches :p.
Hmmmm... too bad we can't play on Special Brawl. Fast + Extra damage = insane.

Well there should be a rule on which items (to maximize the hilarity).

I think allowed items should be:
Blast Box
Bumper (best item ever)
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut (for some PAWNCHES to hit)
Soccer Ball

I think that would be a good item list (if on high) for a 4-way Captain Falcon. About the 4 stocks thing... it depends on what you want; longer games or more games.

I think there should be a test between 3, 4, and 5 stocks to see which pulls of the best results. I, of course, am willing to do as many 4-way Captain Falcon matches, as need, to achieve these answers :p.
I can agree with all those items, except for the spring. The spring can interfear with PAWNCHes. We don't want that happening, do we? :p

I also recommend Pokeballs (for epic lulz, but not as cheap as Assist Trophies) and Pitfalls (same reason as Deku Nut, and lulz). This is purely to opinion, but what about Smash Balls? You know it'l be epic lulz once someone gets a Smash Ball and runs over all 3 opponents at once. :p

And ofcourse, what's the best item setting? I'd go with medium, for item mayhem but not too much like High.
Hmm, ya the spring interferes with PAWNCHES... but it's funny seeing people run into them 3+ times in a row.

How about this item list:
Blast Box
Bumper (best item ever)
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut (for some PAWNCHES to hit)

I think the first game should be this:
5 Stock, Items High

4 Stock, Items Medium

3 Stock, Items Low

Then, if we still want to play, we can do whatever settings.
@real-o: Yeah, I set it to where you're guaranteed points if you play FFA Fridays. It's just to encourage people to participate. Though 1 point for last place hardly gets you anywhere in the rankings lol. If anything, it's a pity point.

@kingslayer: Yeah, man, you were abusing Pika's Thunder for a short while starting at 2:27. Thunder is ideal for that edgeguard situation, but there are also other ways to defend the arena if the opponent is coming in from above you, especially when they are already air-dodging the thunderbolts.

I wouldn't deduct points from this, though. You were clearly trying to make strategic use of it despite having used it 3-4 times in a row. The first Thunder was to edgeguard, the second Thunder was to defend, and the last two were to thunderspike. Be more careful in the future, though. Had real-o been KO'd from this, or had you kept Thundering after he survived, I would've decided that deductions were necessary.

Oh, and to grab, simply press the Z button on the GameCube controller.
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Ya, I know the button to grab... I just fail at it. I can never seem to grab the person :p. Also, you can use the R + C stick to grab.
Hmm, ya the spring interferes with PAWNCHES... but it's funny seeing people run into them 3+ times in a row.

How about this item list:
Blast Box
Bumper (best item ever)
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut (for some PAWNCHES to hit)

I think the first game should be this:
5 Stock, Items High

4 Stock, Items Medium

3 Stock, Items Low

Then, if we still want to play, we can do whatever settings.

I completely agree with these items and rules. Who else agrees? :D

You know what, why don't we have a Captain Falcon Friday one or two fridays every month? :D :D :D We always use these rules (or whatever the final version of them will be), and you must use Captain Falcon in all brawls. Great idea, yeah?
Hmmm, how about we include the Captain Falcon FFA's as a chance for bonus points. The bonus "round" will consist of 10 games of 4-way Captain Falcon action. The person who wins the most games, out of the 10, gets 10 points. The rest of the people get 0. It's just a way to have fun and get a few points in the process.

The rules I suggest:

Blast Box
Bumper (best item ever)
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut (for some PAWNCHES to hit)

Rule Ideas:
5 Stock, Items High
4 Stock, Items Medium
3 Stock, Items Low
5 Stock, Damage 1.5x, Items Low
7 Stock, Damage 1.8x, Items Medium
10 Stock, Damage 2x, Items High
2 Stock, Damage 0.5x, Items Low
3 Stock, Damage 0.5x, Items High
5 Stock, NO ITEMS
3 Stock, NO ITEMS, Only PAWNCHES Allowed (and Up B / Side B if used for recovery)

Of course this is a little rigid, but something like that.
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Even though I love the format, it's way too complicated to just outright remember. We'd have to check back after every Brawl was done in order to get the rules. 10 matches with different rules is too much, yeah?
What if order didn't matter? Also, if you just right it down on a piece of paper... not hard to remember. Just place it near wherever your playing; you could also just print it out.

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