1v1 brawl league

Yeah sorry for what I posted. Me and Lastwords? have made an agreement.

So who won Jon/Real-o.

GoDaddy.com has hotgirl commercials that suppose to be funny while they're not and the commercials were aired during the SuperBowl. Nice girls by the way. Godaddy!
Real-o vs. JonRyan

Ike vs. Wolf @ Smashville - Real-o
Ike vs. Wolf @ Corneria - Real-o

2-0 Real-o wins


Toon Link vs. Wolf @ Final Destination - JonRyan (Lol @ my stupid suicide)
Toon Link vs. Wolf @ Smashville - Real-o
Toon Link vs. Wolf @ Shadow Moses Island - Real-o

2-1 Real-o wins

I think these are the ones that counted, I hope you didn't want to count all of those others we played, lol. GG too. Oh and my b for picking the same color character as you so many times, I was trying to pick one that you wouldn't pick, lol.
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Ganon dittos?! D: Should of invited me, my Ganon was (somewhat) beasting on wi-fi. A triple Ganon ditto would of been hilarious. :lol: (although not nearly as much as a Falcon ditto :p).

Also, I'll be sending those replays, Real-o, just finished up playing Fire Emblem for now. God I ****ing love this game. :D Who knew strategy games could be so fun.
ha ha yeah i was going to ask if you can post the ditto's too of ganon.
fing hilarious ha ha.

Oh damn, I didn't save any of those. I figured it was just for fun. Oh well. Did you save them?

Lol, CK. I've been in 4-way Falcon dittos on Basic Brawl before, talk about lulz.
What? Seriously? That's just badass; I want to do that sometime (I have before way back when I was a newbie though, Sho, me, and a few others got into a 4-way FFA, we all had the same characters each match :p). Damnit, we must organize a Captain Falcon 4-way ditto! :D :D :D

Well, this post is already as off topic as ****, so if anyone wants to Brawl, I'll be on for awhile. PM me if you want a Brawl (no, not officials, friendlies), as I'll check my PM's everyone two matches on Basic (if noone's on and I go straight to basic after a few mins).
Yeah dudes ( chicks ) sorry for figurativly pmsing on this thread. General and I are all good. Ill explain in a bit whats guna happen.

Btw, Anyone up for official or friendliez?
Real-o vs. JonRyan

SSBfreakCK vs. Godstepkid

Real-o vs. JonRyan again
This last one is full of lulz.

These replays still remain unsolved, though I know about Bio's deal. The others will eventually be discarded if no info about them is given.

Bio: Final Destination - Wolf vs. Pikachu (received Apr. 25)
Ricomagik: Smashville - Pikachu vs. Ike (received Apr. 25)
Bio: Delfino Plaza - Wolf vs. Pit (received Apr. 25)
Ricomagik: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Lucas (received Apr. 26)
Ricomagik: Smashville - Sonic vs. Wolf (received Apr. 26)
Ricomagik: Pokemon Stadium 2 - Zero Suit Samus vs. Link (received Apr. 26)
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Samus (received Apr. 28)
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Lucas vs. Meta Knight (received Apr. 28)
Lol, your Ike overuses F-smash way too much, Real-o. :p Epic suicide fail in match one, Jon. :lol: I've done that before too, actually.

Rah. Your Falco just doesn't want to die in match one, Gioo. :p

Lulz at all the suicide fails.
I can see how you would say that about my Ike from seeing that video, there was a point where I used it like 4 times in a row, and I knew I was overusing it then, lol. But yeah, I usually don't go overboard like that.
Okay, time to clear a few things up:

1). There has been no "3 limit" rule in regards to spamming. Spamming is based on the situation, but the "3 limit" is something everyone should take seriously anyway.

2). As Jon mentioned already, the Lastwords? vs. ricomagik situation will go based on that rematch (thanks for handling that, Jon)...but like Jon said, that rematch technically shouldn't have been decided because the issue was still under review. Keep that in mind, I guess.

3). After logging the matches, I have noticed that there are a few matches that went unannounced in match results. Keep in mind that anyone who does that loses 5 points (Jon, can we increase this to 10? I think people are playing too often now for 5 to be a big consequence) and that match-in-question does not count. I've had to look through videos multiple times to see the results. I shouldn't have to do this.

All matches in red are matches that did not have results in the thread prior to the videos being posted. Since this rule is somewhat new, I'm letting it slide this time. But this will be the only time since the rules should be read anyway.

4). There isn't a rule on this, but please stop with the "Winner saves video" thing. It only makes things complicated for video transfer (multiple people trying to send footage of the same match). It also makes things complicated for real-o for having to address more than one person for a single match.

Overall, it's counter-intuitive. Pick one person to save all brawls. If you and your opponent forget, be ready to save all of them anyway. It's probably easier for real-o to deal with duplicates.

5). @CK, don't worry, I am backing up the rules and member stats.
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