1v1 brawl league

Match Results:

Old (needs video or just recieved video):

  • Generalsma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • Generalsma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner: 1-0 (needs another match)
  • JonRyan vs. Lastwords?: 0-2
  • SSBfreakCK vs. Bio: 2-0
  • JonRyan vs Bio: 1-2
  • Lastwords? vs. RedXIII101: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 1-2
  • Bio vs. Lastwords?: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. Generalsma: 0-2
  • Generalsma vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-0
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Lastwords? vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs Generalsma: 0-2
  • ricomagik vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • Bio vs. Generalsma: 0-2
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1


  • Lastwords? vs. 0suitowner: 2-0
  • ricomagik vs. Lastwords?: 1-2
  • Lastwords? vs. Generalsma: 1-1 (needs another match)
  • Godstepk1d vs. Generalsma: 2-0
  • Godstepk1d vs. Generalsma: 2-1
  • Ricomagik vs. Lastwords?: 2-1
  • Generalsma vs. Lastwords?: 2-1
  • Godstepk1d vs Generalsma: 2-0
  • Godstepk1d vs Generalsma: 2-0
  • **kingslayer vs. JohnRyan: 2-0
  • **kingslayer vs. JohnRyan: 2-0
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_WiKSFGBM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_WiKSFGBM [/ame]
  • SSBfreakCK vs. Godstepk1d: 2-0
  • **ricomagik vs. Godstepk1d: 0-2
  • **ricomagik vs. Godstepk1d 0-2:
  • **ricomagik vs. Generalasma: 1-2
  • real-o vs. JonRyan: 2-0
  • real-o vs. JonRyan: 2-1


Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • Generalsma challenges real-o

Ready to Fight:
  • 0suitowner vs. real-o
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner (needs another match)
  • Lastwords? vs. JonRyan
  • Lastwords? vs. real-o
  • Envek vs. SSBfreakCK
  • kingslayer vs. Bio
  • kingslayer vs. Lastwords?
  • Bio vs. SSBfreakCK
  • Godstepk1d vs. kingslayer
  • Godstepk1d vs. Lastwords?

  • (none)

Latest Point Losers:
  • (none)
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  • #677
announcementthank you bio and yes 10 pt change is fine with me.

i also want to say that when anyone who is posting results, post them in red so it'll be easier for bother bio and real o to see.

and ck what do you do too?
Wow! Real-o you are good with Ike. You did pull of a quick kill against Jon on the first video. That makes me wanna play you more now. The problem is that both of us are like never online at the same time. Jon I think that you should use a D-Smash once now and then. It's a great killing move with Wolf.
(Gyeong: 2964-8437-8792)
Wii code: 0991 2812 8404 4245
Time Zone: -5:00 (eastern)
or is it too late? :<
@Gbj153: No, you can still join. You have been added. Make sure you read the rules before playing.

@JonRyan: Eh, they should keep posting in black. I think posting results should stay simple for everyone. And people are bound to forget. =/

Also: I recently decided I want red to mean somebody is in trouble. =P
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How come my matches with JonRyan are in red?

@real-o: I sent you two videos of me beating godstepk1d, but I found out those weren't official. You can just delete them, sorry about the inconvenience.
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Pffff... Theres alot to read.

I Challenge the World!
-That is, to an official.
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How come my matches with JonRyan are in red?


You guys really need to start reading posts before asking questions.

But just because I'm a nice guy, I'll quote myself (again) from earlier today:

3). After logging the matches, I have noticed that there are a few matches that went unannounced in match results. Keep in mind that anyone who does that loses 5 points (Jon, can we increase this to 10? I think people are playing too often now for 5 to be a big consequence) and that match-in-question does not count. I've had to look through videos multiple times to see the results. I shouldn't have to do this.

All matches in red are matches that did not have results in the thread prior to the videos being posted. Since this rule is somewhat new, I'm letting it slide this time. But this will be the only time since the rules should be read anyway.
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Due to my computer's brightness settings, I can't tell if text is in red, so... >.>; Just a heads up, I'll need actual contacting through PM or something, if I've done something wrong. Otherwise I won't notice it. <.<;
Due to my computer's brightness settings, I can't tell if text is in red, so... >.>; Just a heads up, I'll need actual contacting through PM or something, if I've done something wrong. Otherwise I won't notice it. <.<;

Ah, I see. Well regardless, there will be a section in my Match Updates listing those who have gotten, or are up for, point deduction. The red will be there to especially demand attention.

@real-o: Sorry man, I am swamped with school work. Whenever I can find the time, I'll get those videos taken care of, but it might be a few days.
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  • #689
if thats how you feel bio its fine with me to leave it black, i was just trying to make it easier for you.
also thanks for the tip general. i i know i need to use his d smash more often but i'm not that good with it :/

still waiting on ck for some training with wolf :]

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