1v1 brawl league

Actualy we havent... I was always wondering why we havent, but I think its cuz Ill figure your meta out. :p lol
Official updates (replays sent to real-o pending.)

Lastwords?:2 Rico:1
(^update from the old replay of jungle japes. Win shifted < Lastwords?)

Lastwords?:1 General:0
(need another match.)

Lastwords?:0 God:0
(Still waiting for reply)

I want these to be settled within the hour.
New challenge accepted!
Lastwords vs. Rico (reasults soon.)

Are you serious! You are going to say that you didn't know that our matches were official after you clearly posted OFFICIAL UPDATES. Read what you wrote Lastwords? Our matches were official and you are trying to tell me that you didn't know that they were official.
Are you serious! You are going to say that you didn't know that our matches were official after you clearly posted OFFICIAL RESULTS. Read what you wrote Lastwords? Our matches were official and you are trying to tell me that you didn't know that they were official.

OMG! Damn it! someone F*cking cletify the rules! I posted this after you left (unannounced) and after that you joined 2 hours LATER (un announced) you never pm or posted saying lets pick up our official. You joined way after, with no notice. Is there a time-out rule? Were you have to join within a certain amount of time of the scheduled official? Because its not fair that you respond unannounced 2 hours later, win, and call it official.
Actualy we havent... I was always wondering why we havent, but I think its cuz Ill figure your meta out. :p lol

Don't be stupid, we have a bunch of times. I remember this one tme we had about 10 friendly Meta dittos in a row - you lost them all. :p
Since Godstepk1d is too lazy to memorize the rules of posting match results :)P)... sorry for the Double Post.

Match results are in.

CK vs. Godstepk1d

Meta vs. Falco
Meta vs. Falco - Sudden Death (doesn't count)
Meta vs. Falco
All of these are Ricomagik vs. somebody.

Ricomagik vs. Godstepkid

Lastwords? vs. Ricomagik

Godstepkid vs. Ricomagik

Generalsma vs. Ricomagik

Well there's no more videos to do right now, since I didn't receive CK's replays yet or any more info. So I'm available if anyone wants to have an official. I think Generalsma and Lastwords are first in line... but whoever is available. I have to go practice a bit.

Also, These replays remain:

Bio: Final Destination - Wolf vs. Pikachu (received Apr. 25)
Ricomagik: Smashville - Pikachu vs. Ike (received Apr. 25)
Bio: Delfino Plaza - Wolf vs. Pit (received Apr. 25)
Ricomagik: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Lucas (received Apr. 26)
Ricomagik: Smashville - Sonic vs. Wolf (received Apr. 26)
Ricomagik: Pokemon Stadium 2 - Zero Suit Samus vs. Link (received Apr. 26)
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Samus (received Apr. 28)
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Lucas vs. Meta Knight (received Apr. 28)
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Man, I really need to send the vids I've had since the weekend. Sooo busy...

I sense a match comming up.

Considering that this thread is all about matches, that isn't too surprising. =P
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  • #655
general and last words grow up. there is no need for you two to get this out of hand.
seriously if you two would compromise instead of being pissy and yelling at each other then you would not be this angry.
i don't appreciate you two posting such posts on this thread.
if you two can't come up with a compromise then it will go to me, bio and real-o. if you don't like our judgment for a legit reason then it is a wash.

anyways now that i am done with that.
btw was wii chat down for anyone besides me?
Lol, Godaddy is a domain name registrar. That's kinda weird...

I'm available right now. FD, Smashville or Battlefield are my preferred stages.

****, I forgot to send in the replays. Sorry Real-o. :lol: I can wait for the the video to come up though, so as long as Godstepk1d doesn't want his losses rushed into a video, I can wait a day or two. I don't want to eat up all your spare time, the League does that enough as is. :lol:

Ya, Wiichat was down. GoDaddy.com is a website that sells out domain names, i0n bought Wiichat.com from GoDaddy, exactly 3 years before it went down. The reason for this? The money he payed for Wiichat.com gave him 3 years, and his ownership over it had expired. Lucky for us, i0n repayed to reclaim Wiichat.com and all it's glory, so here we are today.

Oh, and I really think someone should back up the league's data. You know, copy/paste the scores into a notepad, along with member info. I recommend atleast two people have it backed up at a single time. If one person goes innactive for a bit (by choice or otherwise), someone else takes over the role. I back up my own data, actually.

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