1v1 brawl league

I beat Last by a hair. His Meta is awsome
Me vs Last?
Samus vs Meta-Last
Olimar vs Mata-Me
Olimar vs Meta-Me

I only saved the times I won. I hope you saved yours.

Real-O is the only one that I haven't fought. Is he? Exept the people that don't come back no more like Fraz, Sho, and Jirachi.
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  • #617
hmm well first yes the rule is no more than 3 consecutive moves, also it would have been nice if you had asked one of us in charge if a rematch was ok, now its not a big deal but for the future tell us before you make such decisions.

ck is right to an extent. i don't want multiple posts of stupid and wasteful information.
the challenger will post all the details and everyone who has posted "2 matches fd no items" please read the rules. all matches must be at least 2 matches(3 if there isn't a definite winner) there is absolutely no need to say 2 matches. and not one person gets to chose the stages. the challenger chooses first the challenged chooses second. 3rd is either random or agreed on.

*i forgot who i went against but they backed out of a match because they didn't like the stage i chose, if anyone does this again it's an automatic deduction of 5 pts.

i will allow that you continue to post your challenge talk her but do not post wasteful things and take up space.
also reminder no spamming/camping WHAT SO EVER!!!!
Do you mean having the other player SD because the opponent did on accident? There's nothing wrong with that.

But if you meant having it come down to Sudden Death, then I will say this as clear as I can: READ THE RULES. This explanation has only been said like six times now.


Anyway, about the idle chatter:

It probably affects me the most, because I have to backtrack and record everyone's results. Pointless chatter just makes things more tedious for me since it creates more useless pages.

I don't know if there should be another thread on idle discussion or not, just because it might make things too disjointed. There's a certain convenience in being able to find everything in one thread and not be restrained in discussion.

The best thing for everyone to do is just use common sense. Post because you have something to say for the thread, not to just say something.
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God, the sd was when I saw your name was Bio. It confuesed the sh*t out of me. Lol I love how we couldnt finish a match either. Ill see you tommorow. Im done for today.
My name wasn't Bio lol. We both do use Pink ZSS though..
Lol yeah that was funny, we will settle it later.

@ Bio: 1st life, midst the fight, he sd'd. Then the second life he just killed himself. Does that count?
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  • #622
like bio said read the rules.
from now on anyone who makes mistakes that the rules clearly defines more than once will get pts deducted.
got it??

we are tired of having to repeat ourselves.

bio,real-o or ck if you have anything to add be my guest.
@Godstepk1d: It depends on the players. Either person has complete right to save the brawl anyway and send it to real-o to count it as a win...even if the person who suicided doesn't want it to count.

It's a situation of logic, really. Both of you assumed it was going to count before it started (because you set it to 3-mins and 2 stock), so it naturally was meant to be played seriously. To not count it is okay if both of you agree, but it is not wrong at all for one person to say it should be counted because it is ultimately the loser's fault for being unprepared in the first place.
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Me(Falco) vs. Ricomagik(Lucas) = God
Me (Diddy) va. Ricomagik(Lucas) = God

Godstepk1d= 2-0

Ricomagik challenged me to a rematch.


Me(Falco) vs. Ricomagik(Lucas) = God
Me(ZSS) vs Ricomagik(Lucas) = God

Godsptek1d= 2-0

2+2 = 4. Anything else?
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It would be best if you include the number of wins for both players in each brawl, not just who won overall in each brawl.
These would have been up sooner but Youtube was doing maintenance and I couldn't upload them.

Bio vs. Lastwords?

Generalsma vs. kingslayer

SSBfreakCK vs. Lastwords?

Generalsma vs. JonRyan

SSBfreakCK vs. Ricomagik

Generalsma vs. Bio
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Working hard on the videos as always, Real-o. Keep up the good word! :thumbsup:

Wow, Bio beasted on the last stock in match one, vs. Lastwords. Pikachu used Thunder! Critical hit! Super effective! Is it me, or does Bio get more momentum on the last/next stock of matches?

3:35 with General and King's officials: WTF KNOCKBACK???

So close Last, so close... That early suicide almost made me lose my second fight of the league. It's ironic, FD is my stage of choice, yet I almost lost because of it; and YOUR stage of choice (Weegee's Mansion) got me a win. Heh, talk about luck on my part.

Judging by his playstyle, I assume P1 was General? That, and I could tell by the DACUS he pulled off ocasionally. Wolf dittos are fun to watch. Oh... and too much U-smash, General. Cut back on it, lol. Oh right, P1 is definatly General; could tell since he used Ike in match 2. Your Ike is beastly and full of lulz mindgames. Dodgeroll AA combo? Madness. :lol:

@ Rico: You cannot escape Meta's D-smash of doom. Lulz.

I made so many controller input mistakes in Meta vs. Link. F-air'd when I wanted to D-air, missed about 3 glide attacks which could of hit, etc. etc. Even though I played good in that match, I feel ashamed for missing such easy things. .-.
Haha, I think you're right, CK. And wow, nice comeback in that 2nd Lastwords fight.

Wow, it also got pretty nasty in the second brawl with Ike (General) vs. Wolf (Jon).

And that last vid was beastly. It's a shame I got spiked.
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Anybody up for Friendlies right now?

Everybody Shadow*91 just made a thread that is about being the best with one character. CK this will interest you in being the best Metaknight user in wiichat. Bio this will interest in being the best Zero Suit Samus user in wiichat. It's called "Wiichats Best Brawlers" so you guys could learn more about it.
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