1v1 brawl league

no i only asked if i it was too late.
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No, he didn't, Jon.

It's never too late to join, really. You're added, Envek.
k,thanx Bio.
boy i really have to train for these upcomming matches.
not online though until 7-11 days.
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  • #364
my apologies.
lastwords why do you always bail in a match. it was 0-0 and you leave?
not the first time either.

btw try and stop picking camping stages. not fun.
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  • Thread starter
  • #369
bridge is camper stage.
fd isn't but i picked fd the first time too. i was referring to the other matches we've had.
doesn't matter now. thats cool anyways thats why i put any stage. just don't use camper moves or run out the clock please.
LOL how embarassing.

Got spanked by General, 0-2. I didn't realize my ZSS was so rusty. and LOL @ the SD at the first one.

I challenge anyone to a match. Final Destination, Smashville, or Delfino for stages, no items. Definitely won't end on that note.
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Hmm... This is almost agenst my ssbb religion. I was trained to camp to re focus myself on the enemy, but seeing how its timed, ill get back on.
@General: I messed up really bad the whole way. lol. Well played.

@Jon: Okay, just let me know when you're ready and I'll log on.
LOL how embarassing.

Got spanked by General, 0-2. I didn't realize my ZSS was so rusty. and LOL @ the SD at the first one.

I challenge anyone to a match. Final Destination, Smashville, or Delfino for stages, no items. Definitely won't end on that note.

We havn't had an official match, so I'd be happy to Brawl you. After we finish our officials, you go have your matches with Jon, yeah? Those rules are also acceptable.

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