1v1 brawl league

no posting non thread related posts please.

It was an accident double posting. But since I did ( in an accident) I thought that I should put it to good use. Hey you double posted too so write random stuff like your favorite songs or what's in your mind. :) This is a lesson that everyone could learn from. When you double post ( IN AN ACCIDENT),write something random :p
CK I posted random crap up there. Doesn't that get you mad because I'm not following the thread rules. :) LOL

no posting non thread related posts please.

Don't need to say anything. ;D They aren't thread rules btw, it's the forum rules. :p

Yeah, GGs Bio. Sorry I didn't do any friendlies, been doing friendlies with a bunch of other people. Ah, the fun of 2v2 matches... Especially when you win even though they're spamming projectiles. :p

I also beat King 2-0, for the sake of mentioning. Can anyone knock me out of the lead? :p

Bio, would you mind sending the replays to Real-o? I'm out of wi-fi points, and I'll need the points to send all my matches I havn't yet, tomorrow.

Speaking of that, I'll be sending in our replays, King. So no need to worry about that.

Man, I never imagined the league would be so active. Jon, Bio, and Real-o, I gives you my absolute thanks for working so hard with this thread. :) And ofcourse, I also give my thanks to everyone who's willingly participating so much (and giving me an infinite pool of points :p).
Okay... this is what happened.

Forgot how good CK was and realized there was no way I was warmed up enough so... lost all games. CK vs King = 2 - 0 in CK's favor.

I then saw Jon, so I played him. We had 4 matches (9 games... one = Sudden Death), and I won all of them. I have all the replays, but not sure which count as official or what. I also quit one due to the stage choice, Mario Bros., so not sure how that counts.

I'm willing to not count the Captain Falcons one, if you want, since it really wasn't a fair game....

Edit: Hey Jon... which count as official and which don't? I would assume the first 2 would count, at least, but I'm not sure on the last two.
If Jon's counting all of those, it's obvious he wants to overthrow me as League Champion, amiright? :p Not trying to make you lose points King, by all means say the word Jon. It just seems to be like that. :p
Well, CK, I do plan on beating you one day. I did figure out a way that would probably give me a win... but your good enough where it won't work twice. So I'll wait until my skills are high enough that I'll be able to get at least one win on my own :p.

BTW... not sure if anyone else noticed, but you can get an advantage over a player by watching and re-watching a person's videos. You get to see how they play, what character(s) they use, etc. If you take the time it can help out a lot.

Edit: Oh, forgot to ask... who's turning in the replays? I'm willing to, but I think I missed the last Captain Falcon one (one on Corneria where I got hit with 3 PAWNCHES, all on one stock). I need to know which ones to send, though, so I have to wait :p.
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ha ha only the first two count, sorry after that i was going to change the writing under my name but you joined right away.
ha ha ck i'm not that diplomatic :]
Go for it, it seems like a lot of people are aiming to beat me, lately.

Rewatching my videos, or especially a pro's, is generally a bad idea. You can learn many things about them, and especially what characters they use, but that won't prevent them from changing their fighting style. You might win a few games, or atleast get closer, but the results in the end might not change much.

Believe it or not, a few months ago someone was just raping the **** out of me, I couldn't take off more than 1 stock. That is, until I started playing defensive; and began winning more than half the time. This is a good example of playstyles changing. A great player always has a backup plan; mindgames and playstyle switches. ;)
There are things you notice that can't just be "changed" right away. I won't mention it, but there are some things that just become instinctive to a player... which can't just be stopped on a whim. That's what I prefer to focus on. Also, while they may switch fighting styles your still likely to get at least one win from your observations. While it may not work forever... any advantage is an advantage.

Also, who's sending them in than, Jon? I can go do it if you want, just say the word.
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They're supposed to be sent to Real-o, not Jon. :p

I'll send them, I believe I can go send them right now, actually. I don't plan on having any officials so a bit, so it'd be better for me to send them. And even if I do (namely with Sho and Jirachi), I can just have them send them, considering they're mostly innactive and would have all their wi-fi points.
Don't need to say anything. ;D They aren't thread rules btw, it's the forum rules. :p

Yeah, GGs Bio. Sorry I didn't do any friendlies, been doing friendlies with a bunch of other people. Ah, the fun of 2v2 matches... Especially when you win even though they're spamming projectiles. :p

I also beat King 2-0, for the sake of mentioning. Can anyone knock me out of the lead? :p

I already told you that it was a matter of time. Don't bragg about it because I'm going to beat you in a matter of weeks. :p We have really had a lot of matches in a short period of time ( specially CK ) and all we do is send them to Real-o. Let the poor guy have a break too. He has been doing a great job with the videos though :)

Bio, would you mind sending the replays to Real-o? I'm out of wi-fi points, and I'll need the points to send all my matches I havn't yet, tomorrow.

Speaking of that, I'll be sending in our replays, King. So no need to worry about that.

Bravo! Bravo! CK you finally passed the pissed off test. You didn't respond in a pissed off way like when Sho, Fraz, and sometimes me talk about random off topic stuff. :p

Bravo! Bravo! For Jon, Bio, and Real-o for thing a great job with this league. :)

Man, I never imagined the league would be so active. Jon, Bio, and Real-o, I gives you my absolute thanks for working so hard with this thread. :) And ofcourse, I also give my thanks to everyone who's willingly participating so much (and giving me an infinite pool of points :p).

Now back to topic.
I was talking to Jon asking who was going to send them in to real-o, o_O. I revised my post... I'm sick so I messed up my grammar. I added a comma and changed "then" to "than."

Bio: Sorry about those matches... I was a little bored and once I realized it wasn't an official I just stopped caring (you could probably tell from the first Pikachu match :p). If we ever have an official, expect me to play harder :p.

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