1v1 brawl league

@0suitowner: Eh... I dunno. People could always say "my controller died" or whatever y'know? These are official matches, and sometimes sh*t happens. I changed my batteries right before we played just in case, lol. And I don't mean to be a douche but I think I was gonna win anyways, lol. We'll have another match though.
I sense a Brawl rivalry. :p

Generalsma said:
I'm the one that's going to stop you.
... I'm not the villain of some lame anime, am I? :p

Ya, those two first fights had some lulz. That epic suicide I did (I thought he auto grabs the ledge... x.o) and how badly you got owned in round one.

Yes, I remember what you told me about Batman: you're just like him. You were tights and have a very close "boy wonder" sidekick. :p


Moths get inside through multiple places, even if the house is highly maintained, there's a few spots where annoying animals get in, namely moths. =/
Match Results (from the first match to now):

  • [*]0suitowner vs. Bio: 0-2

    [*]JonRyan vs. Bio: 0-2

    [*]0suitowner vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2

    [*]Lastwords? vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2

    [*]JonRyan vs. CK: 2-0

    [*]CK vs. Godstepk1d: 2-1

    [*]Generalasma vs. 0suitowner: 2-0
  • Generalasma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • Generalasma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner: 1-0 (needs another match)
  • Pichu2k7 vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • real-o vs. CK: 0-2

Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • 0suitowner challenges anyone
  • Generalasma challenges Lastwords?
  • Generalasma challenges real-o
  • Pichu2k7 challenges anyone
  • real-o challenges anyone

Ready to Fight:
  • 0suitowner vs. real-o
  • 0suitowner vs. Lastwords?
  • Generalasma vs. Bio
  • GioO vs. SSBfreakCK
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner (needs another match)
  • Lastwords? vs. JonRyan
  • Lastwords? vs. real-o


Godstepk1d vs 0suitowner: [strike]GAME[/strike]! (awaiting results)

real-o challenges anyone
0suitowner challenges anyone
Generalasma challenges Lastwords?
Generalasma challenges real-o
Last edited:
Don't forget Fraz and me's, as well as Realo and me's matches, Bio. 2-0 in my favor for both, if you didn't know.
This trash-talking is so, so sad, lol.

@CK: I didn't forget, though I should've put it in the "Complete!" section. Anyway, the results were just never clarified until you told me. I'll update it.

@General: I want to quit that ladder that Shadow made, actually. It's pointless to be in it if I'm co-running and participating in this one. I will play you, but only if the match is for this League.
Anyone up for an official at 11:00 P.M (1h29m away)?

I just want one warm-up match before we hit officials, since I stayed home from school today due to being sick. I'm pretty sure I'm fine, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.
How long are you going to be playing? I'm watching Heroes right now, but after that I'm free.
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  • #356
i don't always choose fd but i don't care for the stages.
also i'll be on as long as people keep me occupied.

and btw all matches are best 2 out of 3.

edit: nice to have you back bio
central time zone although i cant play until 7-11 days or less Dont ask. :/

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