1v1 brawl league

You still went straight for the ledge so I'd fall past you, that's a form of edgehogging. :p ... Even though my epic fail attempt at gimping you is too blame. >_>;
So that means my win is legit, correct Real-o?

Yeah, if I have the authority to say so, lol.

So, 0suitowner and Lastwords? have officially challenged me 10 pages ago. I accept and am available now. Also, I am officially challenging CK for great justice. And anyone else. So... whoever answers first I guess.
Lol, I'm on a role today, so I might as well accept that challenge. You're on, Real-o. The standards ofcourse, 3 min, 2 stock, Final Destination all matches (if that's ok with you), and no items. I probably won't stay online afterwards, though.

And don't forget to save the replays. :p Then I don't have to send them to you.
Well, CK got in a minute sooner, so I'll brawl you after him, Lastwords. Please save replays anyways in case I forget. I'm notorious for that.
CK beat me. :mad: Someone must stop him.

Anyways, Lastwords? still has not added me. Wanna have an official, 0suitowner?
GGs Real-o. Lol @ the pokeballs in the first match. I was hoping you'd just chuck it off the stage, but... eh.

You know, soon after the first pokeball appeared and I played that waiting game with you, a ****ing huge ass moth hits me in the face. So I go to swat it and I hit myself in the eye. =/ Yes I know, very stupid, so I was brawling with only one eye half the first match. :lol: Stupid damn moth...

You cannot defeat me! Bwahahahahahahahahah!

:p This makes me 16-1 and 8-0
I see that this League has shown everyone's true colors. This thread reeks of moderate trash-talking, haha. Anyway, as a few have noticed, I was away for a little bit. Now to catch up.

Generalasma, Jirachi720, and RedXIII101 have been added to the Member List.

All Points have been updated. Jon, I'll count your 10 points from that incomplete 0suit match, but from here on out I'll just wait till the match is complete since it will be easier.

As a Warning to all current members and especially the future newcomers: READ THE RULES. Every time I hear another question that is obviously answered by the rules, it is a direct insult to the League and primarily myself, who went through the trouble of organizing it so that it is simple to navigate.

@CK: I used Pika's D-Smash less often so that I don't abuse it. Unfortunately, I overcompensated, like you rightly said I might have done. Yup, it's one of his better moves, but it's easy to get spammy with it.

And I'm a douche for not using rest? lol. Anyway, that move is so risky and I don't know how to find surefire openings for it. I guess I'll gradually find some use for it.

@Generalasma: Just so you know...saying things like "I'll play you if you're okay with it" is the equivalent of challenging someone. Might as well not be vague about it.

Oh, and Edgehogging is fair play in this League.

I accept your challenge that you made awhile ago. I'd like Final Destination, Smashville, or Delfino to be the selectable stages and No Items. I'm ready to play now.
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Lol Ck Ill get you soon, as soon as I wrap my mind around your meta. Truly the right mind set can make you or break you. The key Is "knowing" you opponent. Thatz what I had to do for my tournys In the good old days.

@Real-o: Ive added you, and I saw you were online. Your avatar is a mii. I wanna have an official in 20mins.
-no items
-3 matches
-You send replays

@0suit: Yeah Ill play you after real-o. same rules as ubove.

@general: Ill brawl you too, if you want.
GGs Real-o. Lol @ the pokeballs in the first match. I was hoping you'd just chuck it off the stage, but... eh.

You know, soon after the first pokeball appeared and I played that waiting game with you, a ****ing huge ass moth hits me in the face. So I go to swat it and I hit myself in the eye. =/ Yes I know, very stupid, so I was brawling with only one eye half the first match. :lol: Stupid damn moth...

You cannot defeat me! Bwahahahahahahahahah!

:p This makes me 16-1 and 8-0

Were are you playing videogames when a moth hits you in the eye? Are you outside? Is your door open? WTF LOL!
This is ironic after you just beat me but...
I'm the one that's going to stop you. After everyone sees the first 2 matches they're going to laugh their asses off but I really think that I could beat you in future time. Remember what I told you about Batman CK. MuaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!

@Bio I did challenge you. If you want we could make it worth 2 different points. 1 for this league and 2 for the Wiichat Brawl Training League created by Shadow91. What you think about that. It's the same rules and we save time.

@Lastwords I accept your challenge my FC is 1289-8229-9135.
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