1v1 brawl league

Yeah I realised that ages ago lol! Anyway imma have one more then official brawl Jon, win or lose I dont care.
Yeah I realised that ages ago lol! Anyway imma have one more then official brawl Jon, win or lose I dont care.

Edit: WTF? I hit post and it went to edit!
CK won 2 times.
He gave me a rematch and he won.
With freaking EDGEHOGGING!
But it's a loss I got to admit. First match was horrible. I lost in less than 50 seconds with Ike. I had my head up my ass( it means that you weren't paying attention)
The last ones were close with my Olimar.
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lastwords receives a first warning.

no time wasting. you can't try and run out the clock.
since it wasn't in the rules it's a warning. try not to let it happen again.

btw its ok 0suit i'll just count the one match i won and save the other for the next time we brawl.
so it should like this.


next match tba.
I'm on fire today. :) That raises my record to 14-1 and 7-0. Thanks for the matches, General, GGs indeed. You gave the the most competition out of all of them yet. ... Except for that Ike match, that was really pathetic, no offense. You definatly have talent; I can't mindgame combo like that for my life.

Edgehogging is the game of Meta, my friend. :p These aren't friendlies, so as long as it's not cheap (edgehogging hasn't been deemed as cheap :p) then it's game. ... You also edgehogged me, you know. :p
Lol jon, That wasnt official ;) Sorry I thought you looked lonly so I joined you. If you want an official Ill go though...
I have reviewed the matches between CK and Pichu2k7. Both appear to have been normal matches, though at the end of second one, it appears that Pichu2k7... forgot to recover, or something. I'm pretty sure it doesn't automatically switch to a CPU player when someone disconnects, either. I'd have to call it legit.
So that means my win is legit, correct Real-o?

It seems like I'm the only one remembering to record replays lately... >.>; Real-o, I'll be sending you both of me and General's officials, but I can't send them all today; only 12 points left for sending videos. I'll send the first match today, and then the rematch tomorrow.
It said DC on my screen ¬_¬ anyway im off brawl for tonight, had a CoD clan war today anyway.
I'm on fire today. :) That raises my record to 14-1 and 7-0. Thanks for the matches, General, GGs indeed. You gave the the most competition out of all of them yet. ... Except for that Ike match, that was really pathetic, no offense. You definatly have talent; I can't mindgame combo like that for my life.

Edgehogging is the game of Meta, my friend. :p These aren't friendlies, so as long as it's not cheap (edgehogging hasn't been deemed as cheap :p) then it's game. ... You also edgehogged me, you know. :p

No offense taken on the Ike thing. You're absolutely correct. If Ike was my son I'll beat his ass for the patheticness he displayed. I landed on the edge not even a second before you did. It's not edgehogging because I didn't stay on the edge for too long. You know what's edgehoging, you do it all the time. :p

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