1v1 brawl league

These are the last two new videos I can make with the replays I've received. But I think some people haven't sent them yet.

SSBfreakCK vs. Godstepkid

I lol'd at CK's edgehog fail.

Generalsma vs. 0suitowner

This one was almost painful to watch.
Nice vids Real-o!

A little question for CK: Do you ever die?

And I'm open for some Brawls now, so just hit me up on a PM or summin when you wanna Brawl =)
  • Thread Starter
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  • #288
so after i get home from school i am going to have nothing but officials today so anyone wanting a match let me know.
i'll be home around 3:30 and its 6:45 right now.
LOL real-o. Im still practicing..... trying to make them my main.

Im told u im an easy win.

Jon and Last, brawl today?
Hope i'm not too late :)
(Surge: 4124-9742-5133)
Wii Code: (3689-3702-0992-1889)
Time Zone: +0:00 (GMT)
lol dumbshit...**** UP!!! Its finnaly the weekend WOOHOO!!! And I posted it in the LAST thread if I remember.
Edit: Fine!

Wiichat: Pichu2k7
Brawl name: Fraz
Brawl code: 1204-0676-2955
Wii code: 2458-2452-4849-3520
GMT: +0GMT London time
Region(if needed): Europe
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I've added both of your Wii numbers and Brawl codes. Bio will update the scores and members list later, I guess he's away for a few days.
Oh...ok...Anyway imma need to be back on Cod cuuuuuuz...I NEED OVERKILL, anyway if any of you wanna have a practise match to help me get back on my pwning feet then sure, when i'm ready ill leave the game and say "Official now, join (for example) CK"
Oh...ok...Anyway imma need to be back on Cod cuuuuuuz...I NEED OVERKILL, anyway if any of you wanna have a practise match to help me get back on my pwning feet then sure, when i'm ready ill leave the game and say "Official now, join (for example) CK"

That's incorrect procedures, Fraz. :p You have to not only notify the thread of your match, but you have to schedule it. You could randomly do that, but odds are you won't be getting an official any time soon. Set up matches at specific times. ... Didn't you read the rules? :p

CK. Who's keeping track of your score? How many matches have you had?

Bio should be, but he's away for a few days. I'm keeping track of my own matches, though. So far I've had 4 matches, and I won all 4 of them (3 of them were 2-0). As long as I havn't done anything cheap in the matches, my score should be... 80? My wins/loss should be 8-1, I believe. ... Or does it work as 4-0? I don't remember. :p

I lol'd at CK's edgehog fail.

There was tons of lag, lol. I won in the end though, so I'm not complaining. :p

General sure knows how to abuse Ike's F-smash. >.>; Was there lag? Or were 0suit's reaction time simply off?
lol well any, imma ask Jon then! Jon wanna try to get a time for about 12AM UK time on saturday? What day do you recommend aslong as it's Tonight, Saturday or sunday, Saturday would be best for me
Alright, me and Fraz are about to have an official match. Date and time are obviously irrelevant. Considering our time differences, we thought we should do it ASAP. Will return with results in a few.
General sure knows how to abuse Ike's F-smash. >.>; Was there lag? Or were 0suit's reaction time simply off?[/QUOTE]

There was a bit of lag, and I use Ike's F-smash when I get good timing or I have better reach. I did do it a bit more than I usually do. I didn't want the match to end in Sudden Death that a all :p

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