007 Embassy [E7]

Tamps, don't feed the trolls.

Hello splash how are you doing today

Quite fine, thank ya for askin'. Although the recent coming of warmer Spring weather has me a tad disheartened... as a fish, my skin does poorly in said temperatures.
We need to start caln 'open days', where ebery week we all get online (E7 members and any GE player welcome) and get in Chat. When we could do some themed or teamed games. If we make it a set date and time everyweek it should be active :)
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Tamps hasn't posted here for a while, Splash. How can he feed the trolls? lol.

Yoshi- there is already talk of that, in the 007 embassy group
Tamps hasn't posted here for a while, Splash. How can he feed the trolls? lol.

A deleted post from yesterday, good sir. Wasn't anythin' bad or nothin', but there ain't much reason to leave behind any remnants of "that one uncouth conversation".

Hint: this is where y'all say, "I don't have any recollection of this conversation you mentioned. ;)"... or somethin' like that.
i don't actually know of said post by tampa.

@Sev and Yoshi:maybe we sould post this day on faqs, cause who know how many E7 members will actually show up.
(Not that it's any different in other clans these days)
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  • #97
A deleted post from yesterday, good sir. Wasn't anythin' bad or nothin', but there ain't much reason to leave behind any remnants of "that one uncouth conversation".

Hint: this is where y'all say, "I don't have any recollection of this conversation you mentioned. ;)"... or somethin' like that.

Lmao. I literally have no recollection of that convo haha. Also, I am not a good sir. Just fyi. I'm a woman :thumbsup: lol.

KOOPA- we can prob do that. We want to try and meet at Noon (EST) on Saturdays and Sundays. I think we were talking about it in Old E7 v New E7 thread.....
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hi there clan. I have informed Tina I took a voluntary and absolute vacation from any gaming system for almost a half a year. I am back now... If you will have me. I see I am still in the clan list...
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hi there clan. I have informed Tina I took a voluntary and absolute vacation from any gaming system for almost a half a year. I am back now... If you will have me. I see I am still in the clan list...

Did you go by a different name....I don't see you on the clan list...?

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