007 Embassy [E7]

why don't we give Turtle a temporary trial-membership card.
See how it goes.
Don't be rude to sir Koopa! It obviously means you go on trial. Which won't happen because we are no longer looking for members. We were when you first asked, but not now.
Sry, didn't mean to be rude, but I was told I was good enough to join but too many ppl either didn't know me or don't like me :/ is that right?
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How come u asked everyone in the clan if I could join, huh?If u wernt recruiting, when I asked to join, why didn't u just say "were not recruiting, sorry?"

"Are you trying to piss me off?" Quote from TV show Psych, obviously it fit very well lmao. We actually haven't been in "recruitment" since feb when I joined. After I became leader I began regrouping E7, PM'ing members i weren't sure were active and so forth. Maybe a week into me becoming leader a crap ton of ppl asked to join E7. Never posted anywhere that we wanted members, at the time we had just lost Koopa, then lost PH. So we let a few in that had asked. I gave them all a chance by asking the clan instead of just saying "sorry but no". Now. Is there any other decision of mine you would like to question, huh?? lol.
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Well getting the leader of the clan you're trying to join angry doesn't sit well on your resumé.
I'm kinda confused why you want to join E7 though, since you've had some minor run-ins with several members already
+ you already being in le Duc and W.44 .

And thank you Sir Yoshi for coming to my defense. Together we shall safeguard the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Im not like seriously mad. Although I did it mildly offensive and completely intrusive lmao. No worries though. His question to me coupled with his wtf to koopa made me respond in kind :D
Ok, here we go;I'm sorry, Koopa- I didn't uderstand the context of ur message, that is all, maybe a "wtf" was outa order, I got nothing against u Koopa, in fact, u were the first person to add me on ge so I thank u!Sev- I didn't think u'd take my message that way, I have been greatly confused by recent E7 matters that I'm just going to forget about and not repeat. I was mearly asking and I didn't mean to upset u or anyone, or for u to "get mad!"I (was) trying to join E7 because I'm desperate to war, I may (was) have been the $****** clan leader on the planet, but since no clans would take me, I decided to make TB (which I'm also not going to talk about and if any of u mention it again, I will dig deeper into E7 matters than I have ever b4!)!Le Duc has about 7 active members, but they no longer war, and pigs hasn't set up a war were I am anle to participate which sucks :(Sry to everyone (baring a few ;) )

Ment SourG not pigs, sry pigs ;) also, this website is so annoying :( it won't let me do friggen paragraphs :(

Mod Edit: If you're on a mobile device; I'd imagine ya are; it's moreso what template this forum runs on (vBulletin) as opposed to the forum itself. You'll find quite a few other forums where you'll be unable to indent and all that jazz.
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