007 Embassy [E7]

Hey clan! How is everyone today? Any chance of a upcoming war?

Yes. You vs. Me. Wolfe only. Shootout old west style at high noon in the middle of station, cowboy. See you there, unless you're yellow!

Just kidding. I do not know when our next war will be. :cornut:
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  • #125
I think we should get a set group of 4 ppl who want to war, get a time that works for all 4, then see who wants to war??! Def not Mex clan. lol
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  • #127
If you guys wanna set it up go for it. But im not putting any more energy into it :p lol.
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  • #132
anyone in mind, koopa??? (who we should war)
Lets just get 4-6 players from E7 who are capable of warring during the weekends and make a thread in faqs about E7 wanting to war
I am very busy on every Sat this Summer... LOL. 3 weddings and so far one funeral. And had two new comers to our family (babies). Sunday works well most of the time from 6pm-9pm CST
Incase you didn't know, E7 just had a unplanned mini-war against iS* 3v3 + randoms. Delta, Duck, and I were partied up planning on farming noobs, and guess who we found in a random heroes match? 3 iS* players! We played them for 4 matches, and fought hard despite the hero-spamming noobs on our teams. The score was never farther apart then say 12 points. That's pretty close for a heroes match!

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