Your Top 5 Improvements you want to see on WiiChat for 2008

Syntax said:
All because he may not post doesn't mean that he isn't active.. After all, this site is still running.
That was the nicest way I could put it.

There are obviously problems with this site, as seen with the popularity of this thread. Would you rather me have put a conscious admin? An observant admin? An intelligent admin? Because if he's so active than one of these must be the source of our problem.

I'm not trying to throw a punch at i0n, I'm just saying that if he wasn't so mysterious than we might not have so many questions.
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  • #47
Great suggestions so far, i've got a notepad file with a lot of excellent suggestions to implement.

Keep them coming, i'll be sure to keep a running update for new changes/additions as they're added to the forum.

Thanks guys.
1 more mods for 24/7

2 diffrent fourm skins that can be chosen with a drop list at the bottom of sight or in user cp

3 for you (i0n) to be more active this is the first time i ever seen a rect post by you

4: (not likely) auto spam post deleter
With the post counts, it would be nice to keep them in the profile under the "threads started" and such but remove them from posts (might even do something like that with rep)
Prez mentioned this and IMO that's the best thing to do with Post Count.
I don't see a big problem with post count. In fact, I find it as a means of catching and dealing with spammers faster after taking a quick view of their post count. Any forum you visit there will always be those who spam, whether or not post count is shown. Just my two cents..
Syntax said:
I don't see a big problem with post count. In fact, I find it as a means of catching and dealing with spammers faster after taking a quick view of their post count. Any forum you visit there will always be those who spam, whether or not post count is shown. Just my two cents..
then remove it from reg. members view. problem solved. we mods can see post count to help spot spammers but members cant thus helping stop post count whores
But keep it in you're profile because it's a novel thing to have.
1. More mods.
2. A review section would be nice.
3. A debating sub-section, carefully moderated of course.
4. Renaming the "Nintendo Retro" section to "Retro Gaming" or something. Nintendo weren't the only company to make video games in the past.
Frogger said:
No more rep.
hey yeah i0n whatever happened to the review section idea?
That would be nice
then a sports section
then maybe a car section?
And i say there should be help with games section, say if someone is stuck on a level in galaxy or whatever.
Helping in games belong in their raspective sections.
Say if someone had a question about Jovani (TP) then they would refer to a help thread in the Zelda: Twilight Princess section.
Maybe a rebirth of the News section
Along the lines of anything wiirealted (maybe my wiitat threads ?)

and a auto lock on older news topics
i like chatboxes

and can you get a good chatbox like the ones you can make at xat
Wii-Fi said:
the spellchecking is nice but things it doesn't recognize words like lol and wii which is annoying since this is a wii site.

LOL WII in the same secntance

More likely than you think

No to Chatbox
Its a spamers dream
Wii-Fi said:
the spellchecking is nice but things it doesn't recognize words like lol and wii which is annoying since this is a wii site.
that has to do with firefox (and some other browsers). not wiichat. we dont have a spellcheck

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