Your Top 5 Improvements you want to see on WiiChat for 2008

i guess wiichat will never have a chatbox :(

howbout there will be one mod just for the chatbox

Sorry, but adding a mod to moderate a chat box isn't worth it when other sections of this site are in need of more attention.
We've got an unlimited supply of people who want to be moderator [and most of which whom are deserving]. I doubt it would be a problem.

*Does not support a chatbox*

*Supports debate and reality*

  • Mod additions/upgrades; "upgrades" possibly meaning adding a co-admin to hold this place together when you leave.
  • Various things to help the mods, I know there's a ton of stuff they'd like fixed.

  • Ranks determined by post count (I've been on a few sites that have them, and I think it's a lot of fun to have them, however I'm not sure if it would be difficult to implement them at such a late part of the site's life cycle).
  • A BIT larger sig size, at least in height (200x500 would be great big guy :)).
  • Bring the News section back, a new reporter would be great.
  • Be more consistent with the game sub-sections, changing them with what's in high-demand at the time.
  • Take care of us and don't make us think you've forsaken us, yeah?
A Sign that says there are mods online

Do not underestimate the presnce of mods
dakuda said:
That is how it is supposed to work. If you don't check 'Remember Me" the default logout time is 15 minutes. No activity w/in that 15 minutes logs you off. Hence, the 'Remember Me' button to skip that. There are no glitches in what you describe.\
No, you don't understand. I mean, even if you do click the 'Remember Me' box, after ~15 minutes or something it would sign out out anyway. Though, last time I signed out was about a month ago? And it was happening then.

Also, I noticed the SOTW's still going. I wanna round up the fellas (ssbb_lover, demonflair, byuakuauauauauua, etc..) and try and promote it around a bit better (if they're interested, of course) because I've noticed the popularity of it has lowered, and I feel we could get a lot more people back into it again.
Wiired said:
No, you don't understand. I mean, even if you do click the 'Remember Me' box, after ~15 minutes or something it would sign out out anyway. Though, last time I signed out was about a month ago? And it was happening then.

Also, I noticed the SOTW's still going. I wanna round up the fellas (ssbb_lover, demonflair, byuakuauauauauua, etc..) and try and promote it around a bit better (if they're interested, of course) because I've noticed the popularity of it has lowered, and I feel we could get a lot more people back into it again.
Nimoi has thrown some kickass competitions.

I won the create an item :yesnod:
FRuMMaGe said:
Nimoi has thrown some kickass competitions.

I won the create an item :yesnod:
Yeah, I saw them they were cool! But, I only HAPPENED to stumble across 'em. Maybe could be something on the front page? To advertise such events.

Also competitions (another idea). We had, 2 competitions? And we have a sub-forum for it? Any competitions going to happen again? If not I suggest deleting it. Clutters up sub-forums and it isn't needed, and could give people false hope, and maybe even spam begging for competitions and such.

I have no more suggestions :D
Mikeasaurus is godly.

I would be honored to help you re-form a "SOTW committee" type thang. :)

I wonder if he'd give us those Mario Paint userbars...*grumble*
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dakuda said:
In that case, it is a cookie issue with your browser. There is nothing that can be done on the server side.
No, it happened with mine as well. It just...didn't work. I would love for it to, considering I take long breaks of being on here by being on other forums or doing something in Photoshop.
^ Shouldnt that be discussed in a diffrent thread? You are getting into a whole discussion.

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