Your Top 5 Improvements you want to see on WiiChat for 2008

laderer5 said:
Well the post count and rep's can get a little out o control like i saw we had a "rep me contest" where people would just constantly rep their freinds to increase their number of reps for no reason.
Plus the post count is a little nice feature but i dont think you should remove these because some people are fond of them.

Where was this rep contest? I never saw it.
Reason 1
Brawny said:
1. More moderation around the clock. I feel we have one time frame that gets a lot of attention and then it just dies.
I most definitely agree, this forum needs to be monitored and cleaned a lot more xD
Reason 2
More Articles (or people to write them)
Reason 3
A separate sub-forum for site suggestions instead of one 5000 post topic. Things are way to overlooked (though here's our chance I guess).
Reason 4
Larger signature sizes/ text allowances, everyone's breaking the rule- might as well loosen them.

[suckup]The rest of the forum I'm truly fine with, I think it's a wonderful place :) (Staff positionwouldbenice[/suckup]
1. (Seems to be a mod favorite) Reported posts sent to PM. Maybe even send all reports to a specific folder of our PMs, if vBulletin allows.

2. Schools starting up for me next week. Also, exam time. My time here would be even more limited. Not more supermods, but more mods that just look after a single section.

3. "Forum Dispute" type of section. Members can create threads about problems with other members, or Staff. Included in this section would be a Ban Appeal section. Syntax mentioned this above.

4. Remove post count from member view (available in profiles). Remove Rep all together.

5. More permissions for supermods when looking at a user profile (ModCP).

dakuda's links to the vBulletin form are all very interesting as well.
1.More mods
2.Take mod powers away from mods who don't post anymore#
3.More news
dakuda said:
We don't limit mod powers to any sections. It helps with moderation quite well. Everyone knows the rules. They mostly moderate their sections, but if you see something elsewhere, you can fix it. Technically, all our mods are supermods. The only real difference is how many sections you can moderate anyway.
Only problem is, if we make more supermods, sections still won't get the individual attention they need.
I can guarantee that if my mod powers were confined to only the SSBB section, it would be in a lot better shape than it is now.
If we took 2 or 3 people and spread them out over the "Wii Gaming" catagory, each section would be in excellent shape. Then imagine taking about half a dozen more and spreading them out over all the busy sections. Forum would run great.
1-more moderation is a must!
2-maybe a new skin
3-an EA section, where people can find matches online through EA games like NBA live, Madden etc
4-wouldnt mind seeing the rep system leave
5-im noticing alot, ALOT of threads being made for guitar hero friend codes, so i suggest a guitar hero thread, so that all those threads dont take up so much space
1. wifi Hub to orginize games and such
2. Clubs or groups members can join that will show beside their username skin zone
5. Debate sub section
1. More sigs (I like to have two) biger ava memory limts (the current one dosent allow any of ny good ones

2. A "other" consoles room -there is no place for my "other console" news

3. Links in the intro part to the freind codes topic, the online section (theres a lot of questions about online things)

4. A major change to the report thing (disscussed in one of the stickys) ie it appers in a reportd posts section not emailed to somebody

5. There is no number five

5a. A drink for me
1. Well most people have suggested a GH3 Sub Forum which I requested not long ago here so thats Number 1.

2. More MODS is always a +

3. Rep system to be abolished

4. More space for signatures etc

5. More skins

6. More forums in general [The Entertainment add-on was great] more would be handy. Keep everything REALLY organised

6. Heres a personal one. If members havn't posted in 6 or so months and someone wants their username. They should be allowed to change to it [Cause the other dude just isn't there] *Cough* Smurf *Cough*
Thats about it. Keep on rocking
an easier way to jump between forums (like a dropdown tab)

and a lockdown for a week or two after christmas lol, j/k (there has been a lot of repetative questions and simple ones that are answered in the manual)
1. More mods. Obvious. Different time zones. So many times during when I'm on I see countless threads and users abusing the system, just BEGGING to be banned. One particular spammer got to over 100 posts before being finally banned.

2. News Crew. They don't need to be hired or payed. Give a few members the rights to post in the News Section.

3. Give one/some mods more power. There are often times when people just make dupe accounts and spam - mods need the power of the IP ban. This could mean making another admin. This one is entirely up to you, i0n - if you think you'll be active very often, then you can probably handle it. If not, create a secondary admin (could be one of the current mods).

4. Stronger emphasis on the rules of WiiChat. That means, warnings via PMs for consistently incorrect posts (not meeting the word limit, highly offtopic, just a picture, etc.).

5. Posting in the Introduction threads should not increase post count. This is sad for people who genuinely try to make people feel welcome here (ie Byuakuya and Darkprinny), but too many welcomes are copied and pasted. The generic posts seem unworthy of a post count.

6. Fixing the problem with pictures in Nintendo Wii Chat. Just something small, that would be nice to have back.

It's good to see you active i0n. :)
As ironic as this may be...

1. To have an active admin.
2. To have a current moderator promoted to admin.
3. To have more moderators, and sub-forum specific moderators, as to not give anyone too much power.
4. To have a news team to post in the 'latest news' section.
5. To have future ideas listened to, instead of being shot-down by the simple conclusion that 'no one that is currently active has the power to implement them'.

The few problems with the site would be EASILY fixed in less than a single day if all of this were to happen.
LevesqueIsKing said:
As ironic as this may be...

1. To have an active admin.
2. To have a current moderator promoted to admin.
3. To have more moderators, and sub-forum specific moderators, as to not give anyone too much power.
4. To have a news team to post in the 'latest news' section.
5. To have future ideas listened to, instead of being shot-down by the simple conclusion that 'no one that is currently active has the power to implement them'.

The site itself is fine.

Those are what we need done ASAP IMO. That, and set up a review section.

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