Your opinion of guns

Frogger said:
...By treating me to fast food? You're too kind!

No, the being shot thing worries me, I like that hardly anyone can get ahold of one here, and you should only have them if you're in a position of authority, and even then you're restricted, any idiot can get into the police, it's quite sad, but not many of them get to be armed officers, that takes work.

Tasers, fine!

Everyone should just carry tranquilisers. xD

Tranqulisers ehh..... thatd be entertaining, itd be liking walking thru the city in I Am Legend. Although Im sure you can imagine itd bring about other nasty things......notably rape.
sremick said:
No, we don't. We are in desperate-need of better parents. Parents who actually take it upon themselves to fulfill their duty to actually be parents and do parenting, not passing off the upbringing of their kids to MTV, video games, and their equally-clueless peers.

There are plenty of gun laws already and the things that people do with the guns are already illegal. A criminal is going to be a criminal, guns or no guns. There is a cancer in our society that is leading people to crime, but it's not the guns that are causing it. It's the brain controlling the finger on the trigger.

And remember: the knee-jerk gun laws proposed after Virginia Tech were pointless. The shooter would've still been able to meet the new criteria and legally buy those guns.

Bullshit. Name the store.
I like this guy.

He knows his stuff.

I'll sum this thread up for you guys, The U.S. vs. Everyone else. So... Right to Bare Arms vs. Ban All Firearms. I have no problem with people not liking firearms, I realize that there will always be disagreements on the subject, just don't ever try to tell me what to do with mine.

Uhh I want to be 21 so I can start the process necessary to purchase my first handgun.

(Sorry that it's quite disjointed, I'm still a wii bit intoxicated from earlier)
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sremick said:
Wow, you must have searched hard to find that seeing as only two events like that have occured in Australian history. Compare that to over 90 in the US and you can see why I feel safer. ;) Source:

sremic said:
Because shooting is the only way someone can kill someone? Once again, you are overlook the simple fact that if someone wants to kill someone, they will find a way to do it, with or without a gun. Sure, gun control might reduce gun-related deaths, but when murder remains high in Adelaide, what can you actually brag about?
Yikes, taking information from an obviously biased "documentary". Even this information puts a hole in your argument though: "Just about everywhere, you know. It's much more dangerous in Columbia, Croatia, or Camaroon, than it is in Australia. The United States has a homocide rate about four times that of Australia." That excerpt is from the article that is quoted.

You might also like to take a quick look at this info to sremick, seeing as we are throwing stats around.

Among developed nations, the United States has above-average levels of violent crime and particularly high levels of gun violence and homicide. In 2006, there were 5.7 murders per 100,000 persons, three times the rate in neighboring Canada. The U.S. homicide rate, which decreased by 42% between 1991 and 1999, has been roughly steady since. Some scholars have associated the high rate of homicide with the country's high rates of gun ownership, in turn associated with U.S. gun laws which are very permissive compared to those of other developed countries

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If I was in a situation were a Gun was near, and someone was about to kill me with a knife or something, then I would just bluff, since a gun could kill or just even down him. He'd Probably drop the knife knowing that. If it was another gun, I wouldn't because he would actually have the guts to shoot the hell out of me! :p

I don't believe in hunting, especially if you have and can get food easily.
I would feel guilty, so it's a good thing I'm flat footed. I won't have to go to a war. :p

Guns = No no.
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AndThen? said:
If you're referring to my cousin again, blame crappy rural education, and bad parenting.
So if we're in-agreement then that it wasn't the gun's fault, and instead it was bad education/parenting, then why bring it up? You could've substituted "gun" for "knife" and had any number of additional stories from the news. But we don't freak out about knives in the house.

Not having them in the house would spare having to hide them, and having them potentially discovered and misused.
Unless you're going to raise your kids in a bubble, you have to accept the fact that kids are going to be around stuff not for their use, and made for adults. Kids grow up in a world not designed by Fischer-Price. There are any number of things that a kid can hurt (and kill) themselves or others with if they're not raised properly. That's part of being a parent.

Again, I'm all for gun education... but I really don't see the need to have a gun in the house with children.
On the contrary, if I had kids, my protective instinct would kick into high-gear. I guess I'd just be that sort of parent. I'm more willing to suffer pain/loss for my own sake, but threaten my kids and watch out.

Rest-assured that my kids would be raised to give full respect to guns, and will have already fired them to get the whole "curiosity" out of the way and in a safe, controlled environment. Meanwhile, with kids my guns would be locked up at all times. Which is the responsible way to be a parent with guns, unlike your uncle who left an loaded gun unlocked.

I have no need for them. Unnecessary risk.
"I've never been robbed, I have no need for an alarm system."
"I've never had a fire, I have no need for a fire-extinguisher."
"I've never been in a car accident, I've no need for a seatbelt."

Someone against gun-ownership is simply someone who hasn't been attacked/threatened by someone with superior-force yet. You'll have to forgive those of us who don't live in la-la land and realize that bad **** happens to good people, and instead want to be prepared and come out alive, not a statistic. We don't need to suffer a great tragedy first before we pull our heads out of the sand.
Eagles said:
Compare that to over 90 in the US and you can see why I feel safer.
You do realize that there are almost 15 times as many people in the USA as there are in Australia, right? When adjusted for population (and assuming your figure of 90 is correct, as I don't have time to count right now), the USA only has 3 times the amount of school shootings than Australia.

In my opinion, that figure can be explained from various ways that American youth are majorly f-ed up (bad parenting, social influences, etc) compared to the youth of the rest of the world. But it's not the guns' fault that our kids are stressed out.

Banning guns woudln't have prevented the 2 boys from blowing up propane tanks in the Columbine school. Shall we ban propane tanks too?
Sremick, You've done an excellent job presenting the facts. I just wanted to let you know that with some people (most liberals) will continue to belive thier own oppinion as fact no matter how many facts you give them(it has something to do with all the emotion they have rapped up in thier ideology). I always like to give them the facts up front but anything after that is just beating a dead horse, then eventually after they lose the debate to the facts, resort to making fun of you or nit pick at spelling/grammar errors. But I still say good job.
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idjut said:
that was straight? :lol::lol:

i like guns
guns is a big topic... i'm sure we'll all be in agreement soon! :yesnod:



I'm not expecting us to agree, people have a right to their own opinion, and people won't give up their case that easily. What's the fun in agreeing?

Deanis said:
Tranqulisers ehh..... thatd be entertaining, itd be liking walking thru the city in I Am Legend. Although Im sure you can imagine itd bring about other nasty things......notably rape.

Seriously, I'd rather have people wandering around with tranquilisers than guns, or like... Some taser slingshot... Just not guns!

Sremick, You've done an excellent job presenting the facts. I just wanted to let you know that with some people (most liberals) will continue to belive thier own oppinion as fact no matter how many facts you give them(it has something to do with all the emotion they have rapped up in thier ideology). I always like to give them the facts up front but anything after that is just beating a dead horse, then eventually after they lose the debate to the facts, resort to making fun of you or nit pick at spelling/grammar errors. But I still say good job.

Wow, do you believe everything you hear or or you completely ignorant to the view of my opinion? I didn't ask this to be about facts, arguing facts is stupid, and it depends on location, density and who the hell made it and how it was conducted, I'm pretty sure it's ahrd to find statistics, and I have whipped up a couple that have countered that argument, things say differently.

I don't believe my own opinion as fact... What the hell would that achieve? I mean, my mind only thinks of things like "The world would be safer without guns" hahahaha... Interesting concept, but the world would be safer without a lot of technology, guns being one of the main things that bother me. Why do you want to force me to change my opinion? I quite like being myself.

And I do believe Sremick is liberal, don't bunch us all up as the same.
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Frogger said:

I'm not expecting us to agree, people have a right to their own opinion, and people won't give up their case that easily. What's the fun in agreeing?

Seriously, I'd rather have people wandering around with tranquilisers than guns, or like... Some taser slingshot... Just not guns!

Tranqs take too much time for the drug to take effect to put a dangerous perp down, then police may use them too much like Tasers because it's "non-lethal" except to those who are allergic. Tasers also can be ineffective on some yet kill others, they are too unpredictable with thier results from person to person.
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Thatguy71 said:
Tranqs take too much time for the drug to take effect to put a dangerous perp down, then police may use them too much like Tasers because it's "non-lethal" except to those who are allergic. Tasers also can be ineffective on some yet kill others, they are too unpredictable with thier results from person to person.

I'm pretty sure guns have a large chance of killing someone if you get shot, more than being tased... Fine! We should all be cynical jackasses that stay indoors, fun.
I have to admit, I have used guns before. And we have had A gun in our house a few times, my dad is a cop, and worked a bit of overtime back in the days, so he'd bring it home. But her certainly wouldnt keep one at home permanently if he had the chance.
Theyre just such a drastic step to take, and to then take someone elses life for stealing an item from your house is insane.
There are way too many opportunities if you have a lethal weapon for something to go wrong.
Perhaps each country to his own on this matter...
Let us Aussies be happy with out them, let the Brits feel safe without them, and let the Yanks go crazy with theirs.
Frogger said:
I'm pretty sure guns have a large chance of killing someone if you get shot, more than being tased... Fine! We should all be cynical jackasses that stay indoors, fun.

Gun lethality wasn't the point. It was more a contradiction to what you said since they (tasers) can be leathal. I was only pointing out thier unreliability. I have no idea why one would just stay indoors to be safe. I have a concealed carry permit, I feel safe where ever I go.
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Thatguy71 said:
Gun lethality wasn't the point. It was more a contradiction to what you said since they can be leathal. I was only pointing out thier unreliability. I have no idea why one would just stay indoors to be safe. I have a concealed carry permit, I feel safe where ever I go.

I suggested a taser slingshot... Do you think I'm serious!?

...Because that would so kick ass.

Let us Aussies be happy with out them, let the Brits feel safe without them, and let the Yanks go crazy with theirs.

Hear hear. :thumbsup:
Frogger said:
Seriously, I'd rather have people wandering around with tranquilisers than guns, or like... Some taser slingshot... Just not guns!
This comes up all the time. People think tranquilizers are some panacea. The facts:

1) The effect is not immediate. You can easily still end up dead. Ideally you're looking at 2-3 minutes for a "fast" take-down.
2) The proper dose amount depends tremendously on the body mass (and adrenaline level) of the target. Too little, nothing happens. Too much, they die.
3) Tranquilizer drugs degrade pretty fast, making them useless as a reliable every-day weapon.
4) There aren't any repeating tranquilizer dart pistols. Unless you're an eagle-eye shot who can get it the first time, you're screwed. This reduces the deterrent factor a lot.

Take careful note of #2 if your concern is "OMG Think of the children!" The proper dose for a 200 lb attacker would kill a small child, making the tranquilizer pistol no less-lethal in a household with kids.

The idea that a tranquilizer dart will safely (non-lethally) and immediately bring down any attacker is Hollywood fiction.