xbox 360 sucks

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* Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
* Skate
* Project Offset
* Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
* Fatal Inertia
* The BIGS

* Alan Wake
* Alone in the Dark
* Armored Core 4
* Army of Two
* Assassin’s Creed
* Battlefield: Bad Company
* Bio Shock
* Blue Dragon
* Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway
* Bullet Witch
* Burnout 5
* Cell Factor
* Crackdown
* Dark Sector
* DDR Universe
* Def Jam: Icon
* DIRT: Colin McRae Offroad
* Eternal Sonata
* Fable 2
* Forza Motorsport 2
* Grand Theft Auto IV
* GTR Racing
* Guitar Hero II
* Half-Life 2
* Halo 3
* Haze
* Huxley
* Indiana Jones
* Jericho
* Kane & Lynch
* Lord of the Rings: The White Council
* Lost Odyssey
* Lost Planet
* Mass Effect
* Medal of Honor: Airborne
* NBA Street Homecourt
* Rayman: Raving Rabbids
* SEGA Rally Revo
* Shadowrun
* Shrek the Third
* Spider-Man 3
* Splinter Cell 5
* Stranglehold
* The Club
* Timeshift
* Too Human
* Transformers
* Turok
* Virtua Tennis 3
* Winning Eleven 10
* Madden 08
* NCAA Football 08
* NCAA Basketball 08
* NCAA Basketball 2K8
* NBA Live 08
* NBA 2K8
* NHL 08
* NHL 2K8
* FIFA 08

* Halo Wars
* Banjo-Kazooie 3
* Project Gotham Racing 4
* Ninja Gaiden 2
* LA Noire
* Marvel Comics MMOG
* Resident Evil 5

yeah, the 360 doesnt have good games..........

its going to PWN
There isn't any system that sux.
But if i really have to make a comment about each please let me do so.

ps3 = great, but not as great as what my $600 can do. It should be $400 and i would love to have one.

xbox360=great and powerful, especially if u get premium(originally $400) for $300 just like i did.(go to microcenter all over the United States, this deal last until 12/31/06)

wii = great and fun, but $250 is bit overpriced. $200 would be fair deal(take out the wii sports and lower the price to $200 and i will say it's a great deal!)
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JoonKimDDS said:
That's really stupid to say ps3 has better graphic than xbox360.
Both of them have 512 MB but unlike ps3 that has to use 256MB for graphic and 256 MB for other jobs, XBox360 can alternate this memory and make use of full 512MB for graphic only.

I have both PS3 and Xbox 360, so I can share my real world experience.

I've played almost every 360 games out there (my own or by demo download). For PS3, I've played Resistance, Motorstorm (I own the Japanese retail version), GTHD (demo), and Ridge Racer (demo).

I personally prefer the PS3 graphics. Motorstorm and GTHD are the best looking console games I've ever played. GTHD is near photorealistic. For me, these two games look superior than the best game on 360, Gears of War. Also, few of the 360 games suffer from framerate issues, but PS3 games that I've played so far are rock steady at at least 60 fps.

I think the #1 problem with 360 was making the stupid core system. Developers can't use a hard disk to cache memory, so game discs run at FULL SPEED at all times. The thing sounds like an airplane taking off, until you turn the system off. They should have made the hard disk standard in both versions.

In comparison, my PS3 runs much more quietly as it only spins up game discs only when it is needed.
ddslee said:
I have both PS3 and Xbox 360, so I can share my real world experience.

I've played almost every 360 games out there (my own or by demo download). For PS3, I've played Resistance, Motorstorm (I own the Japanese retail version), GTHD (demo), and Ridge Racer (demo).

I personally prefer the PS3 graphics. Motorstorm and GTHD are the best looking console games I've ever played. GTHD is near photorealistic. For me, these two games look superior than the best game on 360, Gears of War. Also, few of the 360 games suffer from framerate issues, but PS3 games that I've played so far are rock steady at at least 60 fps.

I think the #1 problem with 360 was making the stupid core system. Developers can't use a hard disk to cache memory, so game discs run at FULL SPEED at all times. The thing sounds like an airplane taking off, until you turn the system off. They should have made the hard disk standard in both versions.

In comparison, my PS3 runs much more quietly as it only spins up game discs only when it is needed.

I think ur experience wasn't the best.
For example, compare COD3 between ps3 and xbox360.
Xbox360 is superior to ps3. you can clearly see the difference.
And also ps3 suffers framerate in this game while xbox360 version doesn't.

Another graphic comparison would be final night round3. Xbox360 got much better graphic here, too.

And Gears of war has the best graphic up to date. There is no game that has better graphic than gears of war until the end up 2006.

Another thing u said was that HDD usage. u CAN use a hard disk to cache memory(blue dragon for example). And it's obvious that core is missing stuff because it's 100 dollars cheaper. what else could someone expect?

and I have to say my PS3 overheats more than xbox360.
JoonKimDDS said:
Another graphic comparison would be final night round3. Xbox360 got much better graphic here, too.

And Gears of war has the best graphic up to date. There is no game that has better graphic than gears of war until the end up 2006.

I haven't tried out Fight Night Round 3 for PS3 personally, but IGN said "...EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 on the PlayStation 3 is nearly identical to its 360 counterpart. Ported over by the team at EA Canada, it looks and feels like the same code we threw punches at in February... with a couple of slight enhancements..."

I don't know where you got the impression of "much better graphic"?

As for the Gears of War, the game looks great, but it suffers from some serious choppiness during the cut-scenes. It almost runs at 15 fps. Of course, it doesn't affect gameplay, but very disappointing. I haven't seen that kind of a drastic framerate drop in any of the PS3 games that I've tried. For me, the best graphics of 2006 is Motorstorm (import). For US region, it is Gears of War since Motorstorm is not available until March of 2007.

BTW if your PS3 overheats, you could have a defective system. I've played Motorstorm (import) for well over 3 hours and the system is just warm to touch.
nyisles84 said:
i just have to say i've had my 360 since launch and have not experienced one problem with it whatsoever[/QUOT]
the x-box360 has had probs since launch remember when it was all over the news of them burning the disks and stuff.
ddslee said:
I haven't tried out Fight Night Round 3 for PS3 personally, but IGN said "...EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 on the PlayStation 3 is nearly identical to its 360 counterpart. Ported over by the team at EA Canada, it looks and feels like the same code we threw punches at in February... with a couple of slight enhancements..."

I don't know where you got the impression of "much better graphic"?

As for the Gears of War, the game looks great, but it suffers from some serious choppiness during the cut-scenes. It almost runs at 15 fps. Of course, it doesn't affect gameplay, but very disappointing. I haven't seen that kind of a drastic framerate drop in any of the PS3 games that I've tried. For me, the best graphics of 2006 is Motorstorm (import). For US region, it is Gears of War since Motorstorm is not available until March of 2007.

BTW if your PS3 overheats, you could have a defective system. I've played Motorstorm (import) for well over 3 hours and the system is just warm to touch.

there was an article or somthing where they tested em side by side,

and choppiness? ive never had that happen, buy a cooling stand that runs off usb and youll never have a single heating problem
MysticGohan said:
nyisles84 said:
i just have to say i've had my 360 since launch and have not experienced one problem with it whatsoever[/QUOT]
the x-box360 has had probs since launch remember when it was all over the news of them burning the disks and stuff.
burning? more like scratching because people get off thinking while the game is running its okay to move the 360 from horizontal to vertical or vice versa
i think the real battle is between wii and ps3!! least in my country....!!!
ddslee said:
I haven't tried out Fight Night Round 3 for PS3 personally, but IGN said "...EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 on the PlayStation 3 is nearly identical to its 360 counterpart. Ported over by the team at EA Canada, it looks and feels like the same code we threw punches at in February... with a couple of slight enhancements..."

I don't know where you got the impression of "much better graphic"?

As for the Gears of War, the game looks great, but it suffers from some serious choppiness during the cut-scenes. It almost runs at 15 fps. Of course, it doesn't affect gameplay, but very disappointing. I haven't seen that kind of a drastic framerate drop in any of the PS3 games that I've tried. For me, the best graphics of 2006 is Motorstorm (import). For US region, it is Gears of War since Motorstorm is not available until March of 2007.

BTW if your PS3 overheats, you could have a defective system. I've played Motorstorm (import) for well over 3 hours and the system is just warm to touch.

well, my xbox360 is very cold, so if ur xbox360 is hotter than ps3, ur xbox360 could have a defective system, too. Another reason is because my Gears of War doesn't suffer any of the framerate drop.
MysticGohan said:
nyisles84 said:
i just have to say i've had my 360 since launch and have not experienced one problem with it whatsoever[/QUOT]
the x-box360 has had probs since launch remember when it was all over the news of them burning the disks and stuff.
He said he hasn't had problems with his 360,so whats the point of you putting what was wrong with it when it first launched?xbox had that,ps3 had sellings and overheatings,and wii had strap problems.
Every console out there will have some kind of problem when it launches. I'll just say that I prefer the straps to be the problem than the whole console. My bro just got a 360 for Xmas so that completes the Wii60 combo. I wasn't paying as much attention at launch to the problems, but I never heard the defectiveness of the 360 made it unplayable. I consider the PS3 the biggest of all problems. :ciappa:
Wii Addict said:
Every console out there will have some kind of problem when it launches. I'll just say that I prefer the straps to be the problem than the whole console. My bro just got a 360 for Xmas so that completes the Wii60 combo. I wasn't paying as much attention at launch to the problems, but I never heard the defectiveness of the 360 made it unplayable. I consider the PS3 the biggest of all problems. :ciappa:
hope you and your bro love it! Get live,its one of the best things on xbox.
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