xbox 360 sucks

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JoonKimDDS said:
xbox360 has huge amount of defective systems and high rates of malfunctioning. Regardless of these, it got great games. Thus all we need to do, fix, play fix, play fix :D
Get with times man,that was when it launched.Now there all fixed and running and the only reason not to get one is because you got your head too far up sony's a**.
You cant say that the 360 sucks and give only seven reasons why, that aren't even real facts. I really dont think you even have a 360, so why would you say it sucks when you dont even own one? And why would you compare the graphics of a 360 to a wii, the wii is fun and all, but the graphics aren't anything to brag about. And xbox live....I can honestly say I wouldnt play xbox as much as I do if it wasnt for live. The wii doesnt even have that kind of online capability, and in recent years playstation's online play has been horrible.
psychono2 said:
Get with times man,that was when it launched.Now there all fixed and running and the only reason not to get one is because you got your head too far up sony's a**.

if you really want to convince someone, do not say such thing that call someone sony fan or xbox360 fan boy. It only makes people think you are just xbox360 fanboy who always want to say xbox360 is the best without any good reasons thus can't convince anyone. I have xbox360 already with gears of war(rank 1120 all-time) and it's my 6th xbox360.
JoonKimDDS said:
if you really want to convince someone, do not say such thing that call someone sony fan or xbox360 fan boy. It only makes people think you are just xbox360 fanboy who always want to say xbox360 is the best without any good reasons thus can't convince anyone. I have xbox360 already with gears of war(rank 1120 all-time) and it's my 6th xbox360.
My god what did you do to it?Iam on my 2nd one and only cause the first one was my fault.
SmashKing101 said:
you dont beileve me, here are the facts of hy it sucks.

-it break easily

-it burns to much

-to many glitches

-the graphics are pretty bad

-it has no experience agianst the wii or ps3

-its games have no potential at all

-it took 5 hours for all the xbox 360 systems to be sold when it took the wii to sell out in 2 minutes and the ps3 in 5 minutes

if you still dont beileve me then go to this website

this website telll that the first day it came out,there were reported that the 360 broke easily.
haaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa ps3 better than xbox 360 who are you trying to kid lmaooo
I would love to say the same but I disagree. I love the Wii and all but the 360also has its share of fun. Here is what I think-

-it break easily= true 1/2 false: This is true however it only did when it was first being sold after about a month or two the problem was fixed. It still can burn but not as easily if you have the extra fan attached to it.

-it burns to much (same as above)

-to many glitches= true 1/2 false: It barely has any glitches in its games I've played but yes there have been some. As said before every system and game has its share of glitches.

-the graphics are pretty bad= False: What are you talking about? The graphics are amazing not as good as the PS3 but they are good otherwise. The Wii's graphics in my opinion need some updating and aren't as good but either way the Wii is fun.

-it has no experience agianst the wii or ps3=true 1/2 false: The PS3 is exactly like it just with better graphics and some different games. The Wii however is comepletely different since you actually have to move around to do things. (At least in most games)

-its games have no potential at all= False: Lots of the games have "potential." (All there is to say)

-it took 5 hours for all the xbox 360 systems to be sold when it took the wii to sell out in 2 minutes and the ps3 in 5 minutes= True: This is a true fact however, now if you want the 360 you could just go to any store thats would sell it and tey'll have it.
- The 360 actually has better graphics than the ps3 in some games it was compared to.

- The 360 games have A LOT more potential coutesy of XBL.

- Comparing a console by it's sellout time is just dumb. I mean didn't the 360 have like 4x if not more out on launch than the ps3....
I would say something but right now im socializing. Im logged on to an MMORPG with people all over the world and getting xp with my party using teamspeak artard. HAHAH xbox360 owns ps3
Are you stupid or wut. You must be blind or have two glass eyes to say the 360 has bad graphics. My guess is your biased though and don't like microsoft. My friend bought a 360 a month after launch and it worked fine; every company, including sony and nintendo, have a few messed up systems. But if i ranked all ps3, 360, and wii i would say best=wii, middle=360 last=ps3. Nintendo has and always will be the best. My friend is rich and isnt even going to bother getting a ps3 because he hated ps2 and we play ssbm on gc for hours and 360 for about 10 minutes.
Why does being rich have anything to do with the ps3? IM not rich and I paid cash for it. I also paid cash for the wii, and could buy a 360 if I wanted to.
ps3 is the most expensive system out and i just so happen to be a small town guy with ambition of going to university and the only way i can do that is with my own money. And you must have problems if you carry that much cash on you. I assume you live in The US or somewhere other than Canada. (in Canada where i live we use can use our bank cards to pay for things)
Hmm, don't know how I missed this one. Closed for trolling.

And just as a side note, I really don't understand why people care about what other people think so much. Seriously, no console "sucks" for [insert reasons here]. It's all opinion and it's all negative. It's ok if you wanna start a thread about how a console can be improved, but just ragging on it because you don't like the company or it's games, or even it's name just seems pointless.
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