xbox 360 sucks

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JoonKimDDS said:
well, my xbox360 is very cold, so if ur xbox360 is hotter than ps3, ur xbox360 could have a defective system, too. Another reason is because my Gears of War doesn't suffer any of the framerate drop.

Your xbox 360 is very cold? How can you say your xbox 360 is "very cold" when the normal operating temperature of Xbox 360 is 41 °F to 95 °F?

As for the framerate drop, it is a known issue with this game.

"Several Xbox 360 games have encountered problems with shifting vast numbers of objects and displaying high resolution textures namely with problems arising with frame-rates and screen tearing. Gears of War suffers none of these issues during game play with only momentary skipping occurring during the in game cut scenes which are rendered using the game engine. This is great for gamers and certainly means that players can remain focused on enjoying the game rather than being disappointed that these issues have not been addressed. "

"The games cut scenes are all done in real time, so their sometimes is a little bit of a frame rate drop at the start of them."

"Other flaws include a Frame Rate drop in cut scenes, which doesn't happen often, but when it does it is a real annoyance to watch."
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look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself
wiifreak9292 said:
look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself

just because you got wii, that doesn't mean wii is better.
It's just the fact the xbox360 is much better system.
The only reason that wii is good is because it has Mario, Zelda, metroid and $250 should be a fair deal to enjoy those 3. Just admit it.
Those 3 are good games but those three titles are not enough to say that system like xbox360 or ps3 are inferior to it.

Just because it's a wii site, we shouldn't just always say wii is the best and it has no flaw. There are things to learn from the other systems too such as graphic.
wiifreak9292 said:
look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself

Last time I checked, this messege is posted in the Xbox 360 section within the Wii forum. Go ask the board moderator why he made "Xbox 360" and "PS3" subforums in the first place if you guys didn't want people posting about other systems.
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wiifreak9292 said:
look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself

1) This is the 360 forum

2) You don't mind the ps3 subforum but you whine about this section of the forum?
wiifreak9292 said:
look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself
wow someone has daddy problems,Your almost correct,i will brag about my WONDERFUL system,if you wan't me to brag about a piece of crap system,give me a ps3 and resistence and then ill talk my mouth off about crappy system,than drive by and chuck it at your head.
wiifreak9292 said:
look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself

i thought this was the xbox 360 section. i maybe wrong though . i think you dont belong here in the xbox 360 area since all you got is a wii .and your mouthing off like that lol . i my self have a wii and my son has the 360 him and i play both systems both offer us hours of fun . 360 section let people brag about there 360 . and let the wii people brag about there wii in the wii section..
sorry about that was late and i didn't even know what i was typing. and yes, it is the xbox360 section. sorry....
the WHOLE forum is mostly about wii!!....WIICHAT.COM??....

look, all you xbox360 lovers and diehards, if you are just going to brag about your piece of crap system, get off these boards. you DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! this site is for wii fans like myself

:thumbsup:WII is the best....xbox360 is not better... :thumbsup:
Yes this is the xbox section,but that doesnt meen you all have to make threads like xbox sucks,or wii vs guys are biased.these sections including the ps3 section are so people who don't just own a wii can go in talk to people about it without joining more forums and trying to remember all the end the comments and flamings,please.
lenitao said:
the WHOLE forum is mostly about wii!!....WIICHAT.COM??....

:thumbsup:WII is the best....xbox360 is not better... :thumbsup:

The "WHOLE" forum is "mostly" about the wii.

Ya that makes a WHOLE lot of sense.
Why would you go flaming the 360? It is awesome. :cornut: This is a wii forum but it should not be a "wii is the best no questions asked" forum where people are biased. I prefer the Wii, but by no means have the want to flame xbox or microsoft. I am antisony, so if there is going to be any flaming please direct it to the PS3. The 360 is in fact better than the wii currently. The wii just needs a few months to get better games out and better VC titles. Until then there is no contest between the two. I do not want to have to bring the PS3 further into this and give you the true meaning of a bad console...
xbox360 has huge amount of defective systems and high rates of malfunctioning. Regardless of these, it got great games. Thus all we need to do, fix, play fix, play fix :D
SmashKing101 said:
you dont beileve me, here are the facts of hy it sucks.

-it break easily

-it burns to much

-to many glitches

-the graphics are pretty bad

-it has no experience agianst the wii or ps3

-its games have no potential at all

-it took 5 hours for all the xbox 360 systems to be sold when it took the wii to sell out in 2 minutes and the ps3 in 5 minutes

if you still dont beileve me then go to this website

this website telll that the first day it came out,there were reported that the 360 broke easily.
HAHAHA you think the graphics are bad ?? and wii is better ah ?
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