Xbox 360 = FPS

and comparing games that arnt in the same lvl,or the same genre.
Comparing Gears of War to Zelda is a bad comparison, I'd agree.

I'd give them both a 9.5.

Zelda graphics = 7 (Gamecube graphics, need I say more?)
Zelda gameplay = 10
Zelda storyline = 9
Zelda sound = 9 (I laugh at you, Pro Logic II)
Zelda overall (not an average) = 9.5

Gears of war graphics = 10 (720p, 1080p, AWESOME textures, still great framerate!)
Gears of war gameplay = 9
Gears of war storyline = 9
Gears of war sound = 10 (Dolby Digital with Shooting being ACCURATELY POSITIONED!)
Gears of war overall (not an average) = 9.5
Arcadium said:
When I do say it is a year old title, I mean comparing it with the time of the console:

360 1 year = Gears of War
Wii 1 day = Zelda

Which Zelda kicks gears of war ass...

Simple as that.

Get off it! Gears of War (Which you have never played) is way better then Zelda (Yes, I played it) Gears of War will chainsaw Zelda trough the roof. Oh and Gears of War took longer beacuse It takes time to make a good game.
You really can't compare Zelda and Gears of War. One is an action RPG and the other is a stright up shooter. It's as pointless as comparing Final Fantasy XII and Madden 07.

Graphically speaking though, Zelda looks like it is from the 90's. About average for a GameCube game. Gears of War is the best looking game I've ever seen (except maybe for Motor Storm).

Gameplay wise, I am more of an action RPG type of a guy, so I am enjoying Zelda a bit more but it's just my personal preference.

Saying Xbox 360 = FPS is like saying Wii = gimmicky games.

If Nintendo DS is any indication, Wii will see 4 variations of Nintendogs, 2 versions of Pokemon games, 10 variations of Brain Age & Brain Academy type of games, Yoshi's Island'ish draw-on-the-screen type of games, and Elite Beat Agent type of rhythmical point-and-click type of games.

If you enjoy those gimmicky minigames, Wii is a great system for you. Unfortunately, I am totally not into those type of games and Xbox 360 and PS3 is more suitable for my taste.
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uhh zelda is not 90s graphics, its high end late gamecube graphics

and you got a lil more harsh than needed on the mini games, their not gimmicky, devs just want to find the best way to control things first