Xbox 360.... Must Have??

Wiil said:

Is there any point me buying a 360 cos im getting bored of my Wii and i like Action, FPS, MMORPG, Sports and Racing games... do you think the 360 is for me, and if so, whats the must haves???

Same with me (BORED OF WII) but I enjoy the Playstation 3 more and in total its cheaper, built in Wifi etc.

Xbox360 is pretty good too but you should get a Nyko Ex Intercooler with that since the Xbox360 can get really hot and noisy too.

For Me Playstation 3 is good because really there are no more MUST HAVE EXCLUSIVE for the Xbox360. And Playstation 3 will just start racking up their Exclusive games line up. =]
Pikachu256 said:
Same with me (BORED OF WII) but I enjoy the Playstation 3 more and in total its cheaper, built in Wifi etc.

Xbox360 is pretty good too but you should get a Nyko Ex Intercooler with that since the Xbox360 can get really hot and noisy too.

For Me Playstation 3 is good because really there are no more MUST HAVE EXCLUSIVE for the Xbox360. And Playstation 3 will just start racking up their Exclusive games line up. =]
most people dont have one and are fine
your statement is just idiotic.
360 is the one taking ps's exclusives like ace combat, gta 4, and devil may cry. this is on top of gears of war, halo 3, and maybe mass effect.
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l7cx1Cl said:
yes, i just got my wii like 3 days ago and im already bored with it, thoughti t was gunna be alot better, i wud prefer xbox 360 anyone 16 or older who likes action blood and partial nude ;] oooh and dont forget the trash talk always loved that
miss gearz ;[ must rebuy xbox asap! taking donations ^^

i predict u are a fat slob with no life or capacity to move :p. i bought my wii ages ago, and i still play it all the time. ps3, i dont play often at all. but i dont have an interest in the 360. me, i wouldnt bother with the 360. there's nothing special about it, if your into pc games then get a 360.
yes its totally owrth getting, but im afriad of its future game line up, but right now, the console has some awsome games out.....beware the rings of death