Will these games be released?

Darkprinny said:
It wont
it didnt sell to well

But Pokemon Snap got quite a cult following even though it wasn't too widely popular. I wouldn't be suprised to see it released.
1. Pokemon Snap......Deffinately(unless they just release a sequel)
2. DK......................Most likely
3. Banjo Koozzie.......Probably not(still a very, very small chance)
4. Mario Tennis........Probably....the only problem is they will probably release a 3rd one so...
people come on stop calling MS the wicked witch of the west... if it'll sell MS's only smart decision is to let it sell. Maybe they'll see it that way maybe not, but the 360 and vista will only get them so far if they keep flopping in the wind almost useless. btw Vista looks so much like a rip off of mac it is kinda scary, and saying that pains this PC guy lol
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Well, this board is no help 0-0 Some people say probably, others say definetly not. GUess we need to wait and see how things go.

Pokemon snap and cult following. Awesomely true.