WiiChat Xbox 360 Game Night Ideas

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  • #169
How is castle crashers Fox?
100 lbs of sex. SOOO much fun. Kinda expensive though. 1,200 points...but worth it.
iv been wanting castle crashers for ages and like the demo i just cant bring myself to paying 1200 points for an arcade game though
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  • #174
It's a bit late for me, how about say tomorrow but 3/4 hours before this time?
lol, it said I unlocked a charecter when we beat it but I don't have him.
By the way, Duy. You we're wondering if the bear character was a usable charecter earlier.
I found out that he is. When you beat the game with the red knight, you unlock the skeleton. Beat it with the skeleton, and you get your panda bear.

May buy alien homined HD so I can use the alien character on Castle Crashers.
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  • #178
Alien Hominid is a pretty fun game, if you like that kind of thing then go for it.
Didn't like Peggle. Too much gay for me.

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